
I need to point out that the flashback bird shirt had Baltimore Orioles on it along with Black-Eyed Susans which is totally awesome. Maryland shout-out yay!

That was awesome.

Back to form! Back to form! Yay! So excited that I just enjoyed two episodes in a row of New Girl again—finally! I have no idea what this reviewer is talking about. This was New Girl back to form and firing on all cylinders. Perfect blend of humor, heart and the right amount of plot advancement—not too little,

What's with these episode recaps combining two episodes in one recap? They're not a part 1 and 2. It's so odd that they keep doing this…

Sorry. I recently saw a bong in the background on a show that I seem to recall was a network show but I can't remember what show. I remember being surprised based on the station it was on. But yeah I don't watch a lot of broadcast network shows either.

I'm going to watch these again with the hope that they will improve on second viewing but I didn't think they were that funny.

I'm with you. I feel like it had many elements that should have made it funny but it just didn't do it for me, particularly the second of the two episodes.

I never had a problem with him. He just makes me giggle even when he is just standing there. I love the combination of confidence and silliness.

You watch streaming cable and haven't seen weed?! It's literally all over the place on paid and premium cable.

Oh yeah. I'm all in.

Do you mean Chris, as in Andy? I'm only on Season 2 of that show.

The acting ability is still there I am sure but, yeah, the rest has been on the decline.

That that was up there with "human pile of saltine dust".

She's gorgeous though. I'd kind of like to see her back for a few more episodes, of course maybe with less pranks.

Kind of seems like she doesn't want the guy to be more attractive than herself. I don't mean this as an insult—it's just who she is. But she really has been turned off by a number of ridiculously hot guys who have been on the show.

A year ago I would have felt secure that this show would not do that. But now? Not so much.

Well fantasy is going more mainstream these days… ;)

I think you answered your own question lol.

Except that they aren't different in what they want lol. Jess is clearly the opposite of put together. They'd each be making it up as they go along. They have a better chance of helping each other than not.

I don't necessarily mind Sam. What I am not thrilled about is that we'll have to suffer through another series of Jess-Sam break-up and post-break-up episodes. Because they're not casual enough a couple, and with their history, that they can skip over that part.