
Yes thank you! Someone had to say it and you said it so perfectly. Hackwork indeed. I'm so disappointed and sad for my once favorite show. Man how it tanked.

I'm behind on reading the re-caps and comments but I just wanted to say that this season is SO good! I already want to re-watch it. So emotional and that stuff with Adam, wow, so well done but heart-wrenching.

That and "you feckless whores!"

Best line of the episode!

Yeah but only if they can manage to hold off on a Jess and Nick declaration at the end of this season. Otherwise it's another Jim and Pam from The Office where we had to be satisfied with what would be all the exciting parts taking place off-screen and it's over when we return in the fall.

Fun fact: Michael was the number one boys name for five decades. And prior to that I believe Robert had a multi-decade run.

I don't think that's entirely fair because she's had to work in many episodes while pregnant, two separate times, where the range of what she can do while playing a non-pregnant character is pretty limited.

I loved this episode and it's the first one in a long time that I have really enjoyed. It felt more authentically emotional where it was emotional and the lighter storylines flowed well.

Except that everyone complained that the season in which they were together was horrible so explain that one.

I think Reagan realizing she is more into Jess would be an entertaining way to initiate the Reagan-Nick breakup. I think Jess needs a little self-confidence boost in the romantic department and the attention paid to her would remind Nick of her charms.

Much as I am not super interested in another whole season, for all the time and careful effort they put into their relationship in Seasons 1-3 and then all the effort in keeping the show afloat while they keep the prospect of Nick and Jess alive, I think it would be an awful shame to do a perfunctory "Oh you still

Really? I think she looks unnaturally not pregnant for being in full pregnancy. You can barely tell in her face for one thing which is rare. I've seen extremely skinny women who get quite full in the face when pregnant. Also, I don't know how far along she has been at most while on the show, but she looks like her

Yes to your first point totally. As someone who would like to see them together at the end, I don't want to be dragged to the finish line like this. It's awful. Mix it up and keep us guessing, or just ditch the whole plan.

Oh wow! Did not catch this!

Much as I have loved this show, having to go to a Season 7 is too much.

You have to have the aid of a historian to even have a chance of determining such a link. That is going back several centuries. You probably encounter people out in the world all the time who are 10th cousins to you.

According to whom?

Actually I'd wager many people are married to third or fourth cousins and just don't know it. You know how removed that is? It's not common for people to even know who their third cousins ARE. The connection is from siblings that are pretty far up the ancestry chart. And third cousins would be unlikely to be at the

I've been pretty disappointed in the show lately too. I keep watching in the hopes that it will get better again but this has really been a long stretch of unsatisfying episodes.

I wish I could agree but this time their interactions are all sweet and no salt, i.e., tension.