
I don't think you were. I was just thinking that Nick had green on again in an intimate scene with Jess. Plus you can say Jess had the same color in that she was wearing red instead of pink and pink is really just light red.

Oh wow so how's that going to work? I thought this was the last season and she and Nick would pair up and everyone would ride off into the sunset.

Maybe this wasn't something intentional but I felt there was a contrast played out between Winston and Cece's warm and genuine, but perfectly platonic, friendship versus Nick and Jess's relationship that is treated by all as the same way, but it just clearly is not.

I just think he's going to give her attention because she flew out to see him and he is a good guy. He likes her and is attracted to her so it's not like it's a chore but it's no great love story.

The Nick-Jess thing will have to be a half-season-long arc because aren't they ending the show in May? Anyway it explains why they are ramping up the tension right about now.

Finally! watching this show and loving it. The only problem is that I find Andy to be so ridiculously attractive that it is distracting. Whew. Glad I got that off my chest to a bunch of internet strangers. :)

Never stop doing these. Best way to re-live this show and squeezes a little more joy out of even the mediocre episodes.

Also, I get that Jess wants a relationship because the others are all coupled-up but can't we just leave it at that? Calling them magical is a bit much. And Nick and Reagan's relationship has not taken place on screen, nor does it seem that Jess has had much exposure to it, so it's hard to buy into that one being

I really loved Schmidt in this episode. It was refreshing to see him toned down for a change. I really felt like he cared about what was going on with Jess but he was still very funny while doing it. I love regular Schmidt as well but this was a fun change of pace.

I loved Schmidt in this episode. He is so naturally funny and smart that even toned down, there are many laughs but they have more emotional depth. And it reminds me of how versatile he can be.

I normally agree but in this case, I willing to roll with it, but only barely, because Nick is so clueless about so many things that I feel like it's just another thing he is clueless about. And also that he is very distracted by his writing.

Yeah that was awesome. Also Nick said it wrong and then they both thought they finally had the right pronunciation. That model guy was cute, though I thought he seemed cuter at first wearing the beanie. But he's no Joe Manganiello. Not even close. :)

Yeah if Nick and Jess *are* going to get together, I'm going to need him to have some better hair styles.

OK, someone please stop with Nick's hair!!! It's just getting worse.

Yaseen Maboobs FTW!

Live for the moment then? Luckily my memory is not great so I don't notice the rehashing much lol.

Or they just need to realize they have great sex and the rest will work itself out. ;) Hmmm, I think I'm not entirely kidding…

Meh. I don't get this criticism. There have been numerous sitcoms other than Friends with relationships that occur along with the comedy. Can you really avoid romantic relationships among single people and be realistic? Cece and Schmidt were also on again off again.

I thought he fluctuated a small bit over the seasons. I think he always looked good. I really like that build and I don't understand people who say that's fat. I would say maybe he is down a bit more now than he has been. For my taste it's almost too thin but that's just me. I would sure like it if he let his hair

He needs more hair to match. Terrible haircut. Makes his face look gaunt. Also, I kinda liked his build before. Though I won't begrudge someone for being at the weight they want to be at. But Jake, please grow your hair out!