Pixie Mayfair

Alliance Defending Freedom, the anti-abortion group

Can I bring the mood down a sec? As someone who was abused as a child by his mother, (I know, I know. I’m OK now) this shit was downright cathartic. Tears and everything.

“I see your truck has testicles. Did it come with those?”
“Nah, I got ‘em at the huntin’ store.”
“So... you gave your truck gender-affirmation surgery by sticking a pair of balls on it that it wasn’t given when it was born?”

Its got that “Last of the V8 interceptors” look and I’m more than fine with that.

This Batmobile is a fustercluck of parts, as if Wayne cobbled it together himself, which in itself is so refreshing from the tanks and motorized dildos that the production designers have had a fetish providing for the past 25 years.

Get fucked

Most importantly, The Flash will be returning for season nine ...

you’re a gross person.

Missi Pyle should be in everything

Also “it’s the simple things in life that you treasure”

No, you may NOT reply to me, plague rat. DISMISSED!

Because that would mildly inconvenience the rich cunt.

In terms of the bridge - I’m not sure what the issue is

You must be lonely, up there in your own asshole.

Oh look I just copy/pasted the tweet she did about and and made a comment that’s more useful than this article, weird!

Cool! I guess I’ll find out what it actually looks like by searching elsewhere because you need an Instagram login to use the link in the article. If only there was some way to, I dunno, link the image directly to a post that’s entirely about said image?

this is adorable. as a fan of 40s and 50s silhouettes, i say let the youths have their large hair and neon shoes. I love each and everyone of them for their commitment. 

He’s sucking dick for crack in Heaven now.

Another angle is that it’s a big deal for an Indian American to come out as queer, when our communities aren’t always super welcoming about that stuff.