Yup. Appealing to the SCOTUS level is always the endgame with these douchebags bc there’s no doubt they’ll win.
Yup. Appealing to the SCOTUS level is always the endgame with these douchebags bc there’s no doubt they’ll win.
My child has gotten religious crap, republican campaign materials and one memorable year, a little plastic fetus in a bio bag accompanied by an falsehood-ridden anti-choice flyer.
“...we don’t think we should devalue the life of the baby because of the sins of the father.”
So I’m going to ask the obvious question: how do they get around HIPAA? They aren’t sharing medical records but isn’t this infringing on an individual’s ability to be protected while accessing medical treatment? Either way, fuck these fuckers. The worst part is this company may not even embrace the forced birther…
Love Coleman’s thing. Very disco Halston.
“Planned Parenthood in St. Louis.... patients must have a transvaginal ultrasound”
The more I learn about this horrible family the angrier I get. Reading the words “these shameless folks who would take 14 children to a restaurant with a “kids eat free” policy” made me want to put my fist through the wall.
So wait, Arkansas is banning abortion the moment that you become pregnant, right? Also, how the fuck can you tell when an egg is fertilized? For folks who refuse to acknowledge the value of science they sure want medical technology to do a lot of heavy lifting here.
A star for you, Señor Rodriguez.
Also, a platform like this is professional poison to anyone with real programming experience. My guess is they’ll hire some racist dude’s nephew who is “good at computer” and got a solid B one time on a coding assignment he had in 9th grade to design and run the thing.
Bearded, sloppy, flannel-bedecked Keaton in Mr. Mom just does it for me.
Isn’t one of the go-to arguments for the dipshit anti-vax crowd something something medical experimentation holocaust Tuskeegee freedom something?
That’s one of the most positive takes I’ve heard on this. Thanks for that nugget of hope, friend :)
I was actually thinking the same about the new stuff Angel Olsen is putting out now. Her cover of Gloria is utterly wonderful but my fear is some filmmaker is going to decide it would be perfect in the trailer for their gritty reboot of Short Circuit or whatever the fuck 80s property they’re repackaging this time.
I love BD Wong. His contribution to the It Gets Better campaign full-on made me cry.
Your review piqued my interest and so I gave this a chance last night. It’s the kind of movie I would have rented in 1991 solely bc of the box and the Supernatural comparison was spot on. I throughly enjoyed it and am now a solid fan of Nic Cage pinball eroticism.
Sorta? If they succes with the frenzied push to eliminate safe abortion access, sexual education and contraception there’ll be plenty of patriots left running around when the rest die from preventable diseases and lack of affordable healthcare. America!
Best use of “well” is unquestionably in Cowboy Dan. He’s a major player, after all.