
As far back as Dany getting her Unsullied army, partly by burning that guy who thought he'd purchased the dragons, we've seen that they are *very* well trained.

"Well, what do I know? All I've done is live to a ripe old age."

I assumed that Stannis' wife took her fetuses with her. They're her sons, after all. *shudder*

I have never even heard of Emory, but Druid Hills is the coolest place name I have ever heard.

It depends on your relationship with the person getting married. If you're close friends or they're a prima donna, it could damage your friendship even if you ostensibly have a good excuse. If they're a random relative or not-very-close friend, they might not mind, and if they do it probably won't affect your life

No nested comments??? Have they SEEN the boards here???

Oh, in no way are they are good thing, they're just a less bad thing (usually) then marrying the kind of person you think is attractive when you're a teenager. Either can turn out well, but the odds are not great.

Wait, what???

That never happens. At least one other nerd will always join in.

I agree that jealousy and neediness are a major problem in monogamous relationships as well, but those things are much more likely to be triggered when their partner actually is fucking someone else. Neither we nor they know what their default relationship setting is - this is their first serious relationship, and it

I think we sometimes reduce Dan to a set of cliches: hire a sex worker, monogamy doesn't work, try smoking pot, DTMFA. Although he does overuse all of those things, he's usually more nuanced then people give him credit for.

Ugh, that sucks. I wish there was something I could do, but I'll just have to resort to ineffectual expressions of sympathy and good wishes. Do whatever you need to do to keep your head above water.

I sometimes think that if you're in a society where teenage marriage is the norm, arranged marriages might be the least bad option. I mean, some parents just don't care about their kids' happiness, but even they're unlikely to pick, say, a stoner with no job prospects.

I don't know what state this happened in, but it's likely that homosexual acts (as they were called) would have been illegal there. I doubt anyone would have actually considered that calling a caller a faggot was a good idea, but it's quite possible that it would have been seen as less bad than saying 'there's nothing

I wonder sometimes if there's an alternate timeline where I didn't have atrocious taste in men when I was a teenager.

It was the early/mid 1980s. Much worse things happened to gay men back then, and not all that rarely.

I've never heard of this duty to entertain, but both of those strategies sound good - assuming that they're more or less genuine.

Yeah, I'm hoping for some kind of out.

No idea, but Walder was taller than Arya, and she still disguised herself as him.

They wouldn't be the first nation to be founded by the oppressed, and end up becoming / supporting the oppressors. Hell, Liberia did it in one or two generations.