
There's nothing wrong with straight women going to gay bars. There is something wrong with trying to change gay bars and gay sex venues to fit their needs. If they want their own space, great, create that, don't mess with someone else's space.

Why the fuck are straight women trying to get gay sex spaces revamped for their comfort? How entitled are these women?

Sorry to hear that, Sheepie. :(

A book does sound like a good idea though, especially if every time the brother hangs out with the parents, the parents are peppering him with endless gay questions. Or if they're asking graphic sex questions, because most people don't want to have that conversation with their parents.

The fact that Fox News apparently had a lot of trouble finding Republicans willing to defend Trump over this bullshit gives me some degree of hope.

There's a risk that he'll then tell himself that her dad is keeping them apart, and get more creative in trying to reach her.

50% of humanity weren't at that rally. We're not talking about average Republicans here, we're talking about people who are willing to publicly identify with white supremacism.

Nah, we're not laughing. It's not funny. It's a mixture of horror, anger, pity, and contempt, depending on which segment of the US we're thinking about.

That would be one hell of a messy breakup.

Oh, don't pretend the shaming isn't part of the fantasy.

The fact that you're considering this, and your pros column seems to be mostly that you're leasing a house together, is not a good sign. Seven years is a long time to be with someone you're not that suited to. Maybe there's a whole lot of good stuff you haven't mentioned, but it sounds like you'd both be happier with

I don't think Alfredo is talking about communists generally - s/he specifically said 'stalinist communists'.

Preventing the claiming and keeping of private property also demands the existence of force, and capitalist countries have historically required less force (on average) to maintain property ownership than communist countries have required to stop people from buying, selling and owning stuff.

I think it's seen (probably unfairly) as a sign that the besocked person isn't making an effort to look attractive. But yeah, it's a weird thing to pay attention to.

So should I just start with season 2? Also, is the compelling story of women in STEM just a lot of 'omg, people in STEM are often really sexist!", because I know that already.

Hmm, the racist-blacklist v communist blacklist question is interesting, and I don't really know enough about the communist blacklist to really answer, but this is the internet and that's never stopped anyone.

Of all the insane Savage Love letters and calls over the years, *this* is what makes least sense? The bingo-winner-takes-shirt-off thing is very weird, granted (was it a gay bar?), but whenever you have something like that, someone always gets carried away, especially when there's alcohol involved.

…and it would probably still be an improvement.

As a former grad student, I can confirm that this is true.

Yeah, they put a crate of something in the boat, I just assumed it was dragonglass.