
They mentioned that Golden Whoever that do their debt collection. Not sure how that works, but apparently fairly effective.

We saw with Walder that she doesn't need to match the height.

And it's not like King's Landing hasn't had an iconic building burnt down with minimal damage to the rest of the city.

God it would have been amazing if Jaime had just been swallowed by Drogon.

Do you need to have this argument here???

Oh for the love of god, all of you shut up. GoT is our escape from the real life madness.

When we heard the Dothraki I was like, yeah, Sam's going to become heir. Then when Bronn had to go for the ballista I thought he was going to die. Then when Jaime charged at the dragon, I thought *he* was going to die.

The 19th century became about 1000 times more awesome when I read that.

Now I'm imagining a bunch of guys in top hats racing their buildings around the city, and randomly squishing poor people with them, while laughing evilly.

We don't know that until it happens. There were probably people who spent the first performance of Macbeth bitching about how lame it was that Macbeth couldn't be beaten until Birnam Wood comes to Dunsinane, because either he's unbeatable or the play has Ents in it.

The only Ramsey-like thing he's done is ripping his crew's tongues out, which for all we know is just a story and not something that actually happened. Apart from that, he deposed a terrible king, legitimately succeeded to the throne, and went after the rebels who stole his navy. If he was on Danerys' side and Theon

Even if she doesn't die, she's still chained up, in a locked cell, and under guard. If the guards think she's dead she could get the jump on them, but even that would only work if they were dumb enough to carry the keys to her and/or her mother's chains.

*prophecies are bad storytelling devices*

Also, "so yeah, that scene you were all looking forward to, where I meet Davos again? Not going to happen, at least not anytime soon".

"These ones don't have proper personalities either!"

Is that part of the prophecy mentioned in the show, though? All I remember it saying is that she'll become queen and that her children will die.

"Live 4 Eva"

The bird is the original, New Zealanders are named after the bird, the fruit is named after both.

I'm assuming that the Dornish nobility are currently going 'well thank god those crazy bitches are gone, let's get a sensible king again, who will nominally ally with some queen or other but keep us out of it'.

But when he kills his brother he hasn't been through the ceremonial drowning yet. There's also no reason why he couldn't actually be much younger than his brother. Ironborn kings seem like they'd be the kind of men who'd father children from puberty through to old age, so the age range of Euron's siblings could be 60