
There's no reason why Aeron wouldn't also believe it. If he passed out and then woke up, he might think that dying and coming back to life was less dramatic than he was expecting, but he's unlikely to think his belief-system is a lie.

It doesn't help that the writers' idea of giving them distinct personalities is 'let's have one of them frown a lot and not show her tits, one of them act like she wants to fuck everyone in Westeros at once, and the other one… yeah, there's another one.'

In all seriousness, how did anyone ever prove things were jetsam and not flotsam?

Have you not seen Euron?

Yes it is.

"Hey dad, I was wrong earlier, I'm a *different* type of queer!"

I think I'd struggle to be fully supportive if my kid came out as either of those things. They both feel like something that the kid declares is a huge deal but basically just means that they sometimes wear nail polish.

What's that like?

"You can fuck other people when I'm not around, but you can't cross dress while you do it" is such a bizarre rule. Even if he knew about the caveat, it would still sound like it was created to set him up.

My high school boyfriend was into cross dressing. It didn't do anything for me, but I bought him underwear and stuff (mostly to stop him wearing mine and stretching it, but still). And this was 20 years ago, so the LW's wife has no excuse.

She never said it was rape. She said it was on the same spectrum, as in it was non-consensual sexual behaviour.

If he starts talking about his mother, but you've never actually seen her, run.

Personally I'd rather be able to carry a handbag and not necessarily have pockets (the female situation) than always have pockets but get mocked for carrying a handbag (the male situation). But really everyone should have pockets *and* the option of a handbag.

What I didn't get was why Dan was so sure the wife was back with the ex-husband. The only mention of his was that he was helping the wife get her stuff. At the moment I'm assuming that the letter was edited down and some crucial detail was edited out, because it's not really like Dan to assume that if a divorced

That is the politest takedown I've ever read, and possibly the politest takedown in the history of the internet.

By random coincidence I heard from another reliable source that sex offenders are way less likely to re-offend than people assume. So that's something which has made me feel better about the world.

And to think, that was two movies before the one where Ann Coulter was only the second worst human being in it.

Yeah, that's the other part of it that doesn't make sense. It's as if Ned is the first person to notice their hair colour.

That actually sounds pretty reasonable, but how much does Ned Stark (or anyone in the GoT world, really) know about genetics? Anyway, there's always the possibility that the kids are a genetic fluke - especially since they're all pretty young at this point. Lots of kids are blond when young and brunette when older.

The whole thing is reasonably funny, but yeah, not that you'd know it from this article.