
Sansa just said that she was going to marry Joffrey and give him blond babies. Whereupon Ned basically went 'omg Joffrey and his siblings are blond! And yet their supposed father is a brunette, as is his family! How could this possibly happen, clearly they're illegitimate!' because apparently in Westeros children only

Apparently they don't use cement in Westeros, just magic…

Basically, it'd be Danyrys' story in season 2.

That sometimes children take after their mother? I'm still annoyed that hair colour was Ned's big tip-off. It makes no sense whatsoever.

Tyrion had a point though. She doesn't know him and has no real evidence that the White Walkers are even real. And even if she did accept that he was right, what is she going to do? Abandon the war that she's in, go north, and then get attacked by Cersei there?

"Goddamn it cameraman three!"

I actually thought that she'd poisoned the wine before he came in, and they'd drink together and both die.

"Arya, where are you going? This is very ambiguous - people on the internet will waste a lot of time arguing about this."
"Oh sorry, I'm going to -"

That line wasn't even that sinister. I mean, sure, it could have meant 'you're going to die here, quite soon and probably horribly' but it could also mean 'you're going to die in King's Landing, of old age, very very rich and powerful'.


Bronn would normally have the dirty-fighter advantage, but since he can't kick Grey Worm in the balls, he's at a disadvantage.

There's not a lot of idiots on these boards.

Wait, isn't the test 1) at least two women (with names) 2) who talk to each other 3) about something other than a man? Surely the third one can only be a yes if the other two are also yes? Or am I completely misunderstanding?

Pretty sure they know that.

If Zuul was involved, the administration would be more competent than this.

I can't believe it's taken this long before I saw a Bohemian Rhapsody reference.

They were on screen for about two seconds, and not everyone wants to watch the previews - especially since, as the answer above demonstrates, they can be very spoilery.

I wondered about Ellaria because the person hanging from the ship appeared to be wearing a dress, and she was the only one on the ship that I remembered wearing one. But it'd be pretty stupid to have a scene showing her not being killed, and then killing her off-screen.

Yara was taking that entire family back to Dorne so that they could pick up the Dorne army to besiege King's Landing.

I know in some countries, if you're generally known by a nickname or stage name then you can use it on the ballot paper, but I don't know what the rules are in the US.