
Does making men think they're going to potentially have sex with Scarlett Johansson constitute cruelty to animals in some way?

Being herded by Jesus, no doubt.

Volcanoes are way too mainstream.

Oh the irony that Florida is on par with Cuba....

Sadly someone is ACTUALLY going to say this...you know, i know it, the American people know it.

yep —-yep they will - DAMN THEM

One of my rules of life is this: everything other people do makes sense, to them.

I first came to this realization years ago, while driving. I began to notice that, while other drivers did stupid/annoying/potentially hazardous things because they're stupid, the occasions when I would do exactly the same stupid/annoying/potentially hazardous thing always had some justification in my mind. Having

So like this?

We all know who's at fault here.

I hope the rest of you read this and took it to heart.

I feel the same way too, just not knowing I'm in the bottom third, but knowing when I'm doing something out of selfishness. I know the only reason I show up to work is for a paycheck and the only reason I do more than I need to is because I want either a raise or great recommendation. I know I hate learning things

This hits home. When I was 14, I had a serious crush on my best friend's older brother. He was 28. One night, we all hung out and did cocaine (this was the late '80s after all). My friend turned in and left me and her brother watching TV. One thing led to another and I ended up losing my virginity to him. Nothing ever

This is related to a fear I have about the future, namely that I'll be working more hours and bringing home twice the salary of my husband and doing absofuckinglutely everything at home. My mother had trouble at the start of her marriage dealing with the resentment that can come with being a "working mom" (ugh, that

Last Thursday

So many commercial and political interests are served by addictions that there should be some interesting battles ahead. I can foresee Senators and advertising campaigns suggesting that "nobody should be able to take your cravings away from you." I can see fake science hinting at the dangers of messing with your

So you really can go to your own, private Idaho.

Gannon here. I love my film cameras. I shoot almost all film now (mostly Portra 400) and you're certainly right. The RB67 is not a travel-friendly camera, but I'll be damed if the 6x7 negative isn't absolutely gorgeous. That being said, my Contax 645 is my favourite medium format camera I own.

Awww! I love that Gannon used an RB67! I adore mine and love seeing others using film. It may be a clunky camera, but MAN is it worth it!