If it makes it any better, past history suggests he won’t even be able to make a simple statement from a TelePrompTer without royally fucking up and looking like a major asshole.
If it makes it any better, past history suggests he won’t even be able to make a simple statement from a TelePrompTer without royally fucking up and looking like a major asshole.
Because, in the case of this country at least, we’ve elected a leader who openly encourages this sort of thing and a congress who just sits back and does nothing to reign him in because he’s willing to pass their tax cuts and nominate their SCOTUS justices.
Rage monsters like to call us globalists. Guilty as charged. Call me a globalist. I care about everyone on the globe. It’s BECAUSE I’m a Jew.
Doesn't she know trump was once a registered Democrat?
*thunder and lightning and a light rain of frogs*
Hard to tell anymore. Modern Nazis are sometimes so confused.
Saving this for later.
Go get fucked TomatoFace.
Yet another “having a heart attack and dying of Not Surprise” moment
It's what they use to make brawndo, which is ostensibly what plants crave.
And he grabs ‘em by the posse?
“people have the right to some private time”
The directions this thread has taken are giving me life. You guys are all so fucking excellent.
Do not pay for that video, the only boobs you see in it are the Proud Boys and Jim Bob’s floppy hairy C-cups.
Right-wing Cubans Fucking suck. Shitbags cross over on boats and now complain of others doing the same? Fuck ‘em.
He's just playing dumb, and not very well. One of his staffers is in that video pounding on the door. The one who sorta looks like a fat Marco Rubio.
This mob of 25 can't even do enough research to notice that it's not 1956 anymore. Rilly, bros, communism is soooo 20th century.
Lolololol #RednecksGoneWild