Lorena Sharpe

Eric is the Hugo of the Trump clan, although I’m not sure who he’d want to sew himself onto.

And don’t forget how he’s spent almost a third of his time in office GOLFING on taxpayer’s dime...

Seems pretty par for the course to me. Pretty much everything about the fistula wearing a badly tailored suit does or is boils my blood. That’s why I’ve decided to start drinking more, in the hopes that the increased BAC will raise the boiling temperature. Either that, or I’ll spontaneously combust.

A good excuse to use my Dana Carvey, John Bolton impression gifs.

The guy emceed The Apprentice. He lives for this shit. Also, I’m 90% sure Nielson was/is Kelly’s mistress. He’s an old fashioned man who defends his ladies’ honor (despite his overwhelming contempt for women in general.)

Blood on the ‘Stache was Dylan’s worst album.

“Well-oiled machine! There’s no chaos! No chaos!”

Nixon was the catalyst that changed that 70% trust figure..... He revealed to the country that the leadership they were trusting to take care of them, the leadership they’d grown up trusting & believing in, was lying to them & working against their interests, and you can’t repair trust. That ain’t comin’ back.

Photo of McGahn take immediately after leaving the White House for the last time.

I just snorked my tea up my nose anyway



I’m thinking more like the theme song to Davey Crocket (fuck, I’m old).

In which world do you need a special license to drive to polls?


It's like music! 



1. Khashoggi is dead.

“The Obama administration is as much at fault as anyone for the Saudi’s unique stranglehold on political discourse and military power in the Arab world as anyone.”