Oh God, Vera Bradley.
Oh God, Vera Bradley.
You are an idiot. Your reading comprehension sucks dicks. Troll. People home school and believe in charters because public schools are full of entitled dickheads allowed to grow without any actual parental upbringing. Let the teevee and the teachers raise the kids. POS
Right. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence that the school district’s spring break falls during Christian Holy Week. I’m pretty thoroughly Christian and the inequity of this stuff just kills me.
Many years ago, as I stood in line at the (University) gym to be issued gym clothes, a student in front of me told the attendant he needed a “medium jock strap with a large cup.” The attendant immediately came back with “Why? Are you trying to leave room for your hand?”
Maryann Johanson has some THOUGHTS
My mom was so out of it when my dad died over the summer that she accidentally chose an urn shaped like a turtle for his ashes. My sister and I lost our shit laughing/crying when we received it and my mom just stared at it in horror. Dad would have gotten a kick out of it. Edited: sorry about your dog.
My wife and I avoided this problem by getting married in 1983.
I must know more about that very excited blonde gentleman behind Mary J Blige. At least one person enjoyed the stunt.
If they insist on a re-make, at least get Curry for the Criminologist.
Yes, it was said on the special last night that she first had Vili as a student in a second grade class of hers; then a few years went by and he was her student again in sixth grade, which is when the sexual relationship began. SIXTH GRADE.
That epilogue is EPIC. Also, did you have any enemies on the yearbook staff? Because as someone who was on staff senior year, there were definitely some less than flattering photos published of people we had grudges against.
Any kid would I think, prom is the highlight of life up until this point.
That sounds awful! My parents let me go to prom with my junior boyfriend when I was a freshman as long as I agreed to attend church the next day, but I worked in the nursery so I was able to roll in at 9:30 in a hoodie. My midnight curfew was a real downer though.
I do not understand the logic behind him making you wear your dress. Was it specifically for humiliation purposes, or was that somehow “proof” that your clothes never came off that night?
We used to have middle school dances that began promptly at 7pm and ended at exactly 10pm. They were awkward as all hell and parents would be lined up by 9:45 to rescue their 13-year-olds from another second of grinding. The night had gone pretty well for me—got there an appropriate 15 minutes late, slobbered all over…
This is not a hard question to answer:
My mother had a subscription to the Zebra books and she stored them out in the back shed. Imagine her delight when I discovered this treasure trove and moved them all into our playhouse, because we needed a library. I organized them by the pictures on the cover, Pirates and Lords on one shelf, weirdo covers on the…