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We’ve been shitting on that Abby chick all week for being a mediocre white girl, but now we insist a talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY write and compose her own album. A talented black girl couldn’t POSSIBLY be the creator of her own destiny or anything.

It was cool to bob our heads to “whip my head” and “21st

“So this would be a reboot of a reboot of a reboot.”

Diana Ross did not take over the iconic Judy Garland role. “The Wiz” and “The Wizard of Oz” are two different works based on the same source material. Add in “Wicked” and you can see that there are several works based on “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz” by L. Frank Baum.

I don’t feel optimistic about this? Like, Superstar Diva with Iffy Acting Chops and Good-Not-Extraordinary Voice Taking On Iconic Judy Garland Role maybe has not worked out so favorably in the past?

Stop trying to act Beyoncé. Please. Just stop.

I wonder if they have any siblings who show up sometimes and say things like “I wanna be an accountant” and are quickly shooed away.

In what world are Run-D.M.C., Salt n Pepa and Dame Dash “Grade D?” And I’m not sure how you can tell that they are all assholes based on a clip lasting one minute and thirty seconds but ok.

He also did some weird shit to his face. He looks fake, like the Richard Harrow mask from Boardwalk Empire, except his whole face.

Huh, something unattractive on Ben Affleck’s body.

Cleanses are bullshit. They don’t “remove toxins” or anything like that, and no science backs them. If people want to feel physically better overall, changing their diet to one that is a balance of the food groups, with treats in moderation, is the way to go. The moderation part is so that they feel better mentally,


I think the biggest triumph of this film is that they made Ewan McGregor completely unrecognizable.

would it be bad to have sex with him just to have an abortion to spite him? i mean i know that’s a legitimately terrible thing to do, but this is paul ryan.

My issue with it is that it came out of nowhere and made no sense. And also, why on earth would the super-protective bishop’s daughter send her young son to live with her father, who she openly hates for being a pedophile? It’s like ... I was watching this film for 90 minutes when it suddenly turned into something

Love me some Spike but he’s alllways had a woman problem. He has issues.

“Who signs a suicide note with a happy face?”