oh god, this show! I stuck with it for a while but it got so goddamn annoying!!!
oh god, this show! I stuck with it for a while but it got so goddamn annoying!!!
To make it more palatable for people with racism problems, as far as I can tell. If she was doing it on purpose, that’s like, too confrontational. But if she’s just a tired old lady that mean people tried to make move when she was so, so tired, now there’s your sympathy for the cause. For her to have any kind of…
Yes. What annoys me most about this narrative is how it completely ignores the lifetime of activism that she led. In addition to ignoring her decades of work with the NAACP to seek justice for sexual assault victims, she was also interested in anti-authoritarian organizing. In the summer of 1955 she traveled to…
December 1 marks the 60th anniversary of Rosa Parks’ radical move of refusing to move from her seat on an Alabama…
the reception was decorated with “bowls and bowls filled with cigarettes, and everyone smoked the whole night.”
Henry Cavill adopted a bat named “Ben.”
Coco named her kid Chanel? I’m going to interpret this look as a look of disapproval
Koala support gif.
it totally is. I put some grey in my hair over the summer and it was awesome.
I really like DiCaprio and I am desperate for him to get an Oscar.
“O ye fucking fang-toothed predators” lololol, it’s like the ultimate emo teen LiveJournal entry
is he a career man??
I love when people whine about “PC.”
She was no angel...oh, wait, she’s not a black kid. As you were.
I am mildly obsessed with Mariah. I loved Whitney. Celine delights me. Aretha and Diana are goddesses. And someone recently said to me “wait,you love all these divas but you aren’t into Adele?”. I was like, “her songs are really heartbroken without really getting her in touch with her crazy - it does nothing for me”.…
And being meh, or whatever, about Nicki Minaj
Dear Inner Diva. Please replace all future references to ‘I’m so tired’ ‘I’m bored’ and ‘I got three hours of sleep last night’ with “I was having a sleep moment.”
Mariah just being honest about Madonna:
What do you have questions about?! I can try to help! This is v v important stuff.
In the classic film You’ve Got Mail, Joe Fox (Tom Hanks) tells his internet girlfriend/object of his emotional…