Lorem ipsum

That's the point.

Maybe it's just me, but when I clicked to play the video, it started at like 5:50 instead of the beginning. I think there's one option to grab the embed code from the beginning & one that gives you the code for where you're currently at with the video — and I notice the second one seems to be used a lot on Jezebel.

you are welcome

Madeline, Starbucks cup with cat ears can't enunciate words like an adult and she likes to play with big black balls like a kid.

man, i get the diet soda joke but like WHY add those calories if you can handle diet? considering the bucket the give you for soda, getting a diet is still a good idea imo.

Taco Bell Story Time!


Yep, McDonald's problem is they are too conservative. "Here's a cheeseburger but with a different part of the cow". I'm sure most McDonald's customers aren't going there because they wanted an Angus burger. They just want some maybe meat with some not really cheese on top....and a diet soda.

I recall seeing in a music magazine back in 1994 or so a so-called fantasy photoshoot which involved a marilyn mason pretending to murder a naked woman by suffocating her with a plastic bag. It's kind of rich for him now to act concerned that persons might think he was involved in a rape video.

Duuuuude. At first I was a little skeptical of this, but what a delightful fever dream of rpf.

"One dubious courtier mocked her outright, saying that the Queen's pregnancy would 'end in wind rather than anything else."

the queen referenced in the story was Mary I of England. She was also queen of Spain, but never of France. Her aunt was also named Mary Tudor and was queen of France, so it's an honest mistake.

"Sex is an icky, nasty thing that should only happen between an married man and a married woman"

What will they do without the al-cohol...I mean Freedom Juice?

For the kids' sake, this needs to be compulsory. I'm sure their ilk are dismayed when their daughters learn that tampons don't interfere with urination.

My 11 year old kid was shown bags of actual cocaine and heroin today. On purpose. By an educator. During a Life Skills workshop.

Sex is an icky, nasty thing that should only happen between an married man and a married woman and should always be punished with pregnancy! It should never happen between two horny individuals and definitely not in the back seat of a Datsun B210 that may or may not have dents and bondo, in the parking lot of a

For what it's worth, I know a very precocious 13 year old who lives in Lafayette, and she told me that her school is covered in Shrek photos and quotes because all the kids there are obsessed with it. And I'm talking about the "Shrek is love, Shrek is life" video, not the actual kid's movie :/ I'm 10 years older than

We should tell them that the Muslins invented al-jabr...I mean algebra. it will blow their minds.

To put a positive spin on it, that means we are currently on the 3rd stage of the Gandhi Social Change Scale (1. they ignore you, 2. they laugh at you, 3. they fight you. 4. your win).