Lorem ipsum

Word. The reason I brought it up is not just because I find late term abortion to be a necessary evil that I am a bit icked out by. I was a bit hyperbolic with the "mom doesn't want a black grandson" thing, but that's exactly the way the anti-choice/anti-woman crowd sees things (though, given the demographic make up

"The United States of America is awesome," she said. "We are awesome. But we've had this discussion. We've closed the book on it, and we've stopped doing it. And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. This administration wants to have this discussion to show us how we're not

My bet is that the current contract is considerably less lucrative, but a lot easier to live with. I'm quite sure there is a contract there, but I also get the sense that they actually enjoy each other's company and that it's a pretty easy compromise for both of them.

angel food cake might not be the most exciting but dont act like you wouldn't eat that shit.

(ps everyone they were sexy jokes)

oh spooky eileen

Anna, could I pretty please come out of the greys? I've been long time Jezzie and my father calls me a "pinko" at every family occasion, so perhaps that qualifies me? Plus, he told me once that Ouija boards "invite the devil into this home." He has many guns. I don't know if that helps my case at all.

As a white person, I can say that this result is because most white people view racist actions as nothing short of being in the KKK. They don't think the Michael Brown incident had anything to do with race because they don't view subtle discrimination ingrained over the span of a person's whole life as racism. It's

Are these the same people who are sampled for Family Feud? Because both surveys seem to take a large swath of their respondents from the 1950s.

Hi Mark,

I am sick and tired of the way Jezebel consistently and repeatedly gets basic facts of the matter wrong just in an effort to make the subjects of their writing, usually male, look worse than they actually do.

He doesn't even work in our office. He just gets to work without pants on, remotely.

I sort of imagine Mark sitting there in the corner of the Gawker office, a pariah and isolated, loudly proclaiming, "I WILL DESTROY ALL!" and then cackling madly as he posts his most recent tale of woe.

No, no no no no no no NO. I did not read this! Stop painting us pictures, Mark, I hate your paintings!

I suffered an abruption early in my pregnancy, they put me on bed rest and hoped for the best. At 24 weeks the doctors ordered a fetal MRI and when they came to us with the results, we decided it was the best to terminate the pregnancy. If this ban was in place, I would have given birth to a stillborn baby or a

It is extremely rare, usually done for medical reasons, and in most states already illegal after the 23-26 week mark. Or not illegal but hard to obtain because there are no clinics that do them. I think the critical difference is moving it back to the 20 week mark. Women have a level II ultrasound at 18-20 weeks to

Yes, about 90 percent of abortions in the U.S. are performed in the first 12 weeks. Guttmacher did a study of people who get abortions after 20 weeks and found a number of factors: those women tend to be, as they put it, "raising children alone, were depressed or using illicit substances, were in conflict with a male

It doesn't matter what they say as long as they can somehow blame Obama.

Is a Fox News ticker honestly suggesting the greater public be "re-educated" by the authority in power?

Can you do one about shitty owners/bosses? I have so many golden nuggets to share with the world.