Lorem ipsum

Haha I love your aunt from afar! I’ve been in treatment for breast cancer since last October (side note: just had surgery a few weeks ago and my final path report came back CANCER-FREE bitchessss! sorry, I’m so excited, I have to tell everyone!), and I can vouch that I view it as license to: 1) tell people off 2) not

I like how old people are so sure of their opinions. I can’t wait to get older and not give a shit about how wrong I am.

If you want your children to see these things, here’s a novel idea- take them whale watching! Let them see orcas in their natural habitat! Not in what amounts to a fish bowl for unhappy cetaceans. The whales deserve better, and if you really want your children to learn about orcas, the kids deserve better too.

Our children will also never see a live minstel show, or bear-baiting, or a cockfight.

No. Taylor collects friends but she’s never anyone else’s ‘best’ friend - no one has earned that privilege.

I love her. I know that’s not the consensus on this site, but I think she’s awesome and hilarious and I’m so excited for this next season.

But don’t try to tell me that “normal” men don’t ever look at their daughters and think of them as sexual beings, or possible sexual partners.

If I knew this girl in any way, I would give up years of my life to personally set this dude on fire.

but like... his own daughter though

Totally. I’m fairly confident that if you went to Labrie before his trial and asked him if he thought rape was wrong, he would have said it was. I’m also fairly confident that Labrie had no idea that his actions could be considered rape and that he was shocked and bewildered by the fact that he was on trial. He

yeah, here he def looks like a rapey frat douche, in the newer pictures he looks like head of the AV club. Ugh.

True. But she goes to Harvard, and I’m assuming she also has money and power or can find another boyfriend with money and power that is not a rapist. Because even if she believed it was consensual, he cheated on her (ugh that makes me feel slimey). Or, they started dating after and she believed him before having that

There are plenty of non-lesbian friends on TV. We need to have a lesbian relationship where one of them doesn’t get fridged for the plot line.


“So...like a Moorish Spaniard? Fascinating...”

Why, you still on Myspace?

Now playing

It doesn’t help that my partner plays “Nothing Compares 2 U” every time we fuck.

Or it’s almost like sex can be extremely emotional for many people, for a myriad of reason, and in a myriad of contexts, regardless of whether they’re engaging in it just for physical pleasure or as part of a loving relationship.

Would you have said the same thing to the white Mississippi freedom riders? They were good white people, too, and they paid the ultimate price for their decision to stand up for justice. Or the straight folk who mourned the death of Matthew Shepard? Or the men who fight for equal pay for women? Or the able-bodied

"Good white people" demonstrate the qualities that all good people demonstrate: kindness, empathy, compassion, thoughtfulness, unconditional love. These are the values I try to instill in my students; that parents try to instill in their children.