Lorem ipsum

skin went from chocolate brown to the color of your boyfriend's dirty sock.

Oh I understand what you're saying, it's the camp and it's affiliates who are suing the victims. That's appalling. Generally, anyone who has a minor sign a confidentiality agreement is probably up to no good ( fracking companies do this too.)

Doesn't Channing know this is how Maude Flanders died?! Wreckless, dude. WRECKLESS!

Next time I'm flying I'm DEFINITELY telling the person next to me that cats are reading my mind.

I can't see how this could go wrong.

Let's call it what it really was, a concentration camp for unwed mothers and their children. I do hope we've learned something from this and make sure it never, ever happens again.

There's a second level here too which is a supposedly dispassionate author citing other people's racist schema as a reason why the subject at hand is racist.

Why is it always white authors who are always looking to find hidden racism in media and declare how terrible it is? Sometimes it feels like white authors are trying to explain racism to the Black community and how offended people should be. Can you imagine how annoying it would be if men were always trying to tell

I for one am just glad that there are no ancient egyptians around so we can all be spared the jezebel outrage article (that writes itself) on the cultural appropriation of ankhs and sphinxes and what not.

I think I was very fortunate cause the first really famous trans woman in Brazil was my grandma's neighbor. So I grew up with exposure to transgender people because of that.

HIPAA violations are MAJOR. There are medical privacy laws for REASONS. That idiot Rawls is fucked.

You know, it is creepy enough how much media coverage of transgender individuals focuses on their genitals. But can we at least skip that when the person in question is a child? Cause that is goddamn pedophiliac and creepy.

Ha! I can't make grilled cheese for shit! See how hurtful stereotypes can be? (I definitely went through a Green Day phase though.)

What does Rihanna really think about all this?

Unless bar-cruising men start carrying around 3D-printed previews of their wangs

Not eating a giant subway sandwich right before hand? I have no idea.

Like I've always said: it's not "real" birth unless there's the chance of being eaten by bears.

"Born in the Wild will follow families that want to bear their children..."

wait what makes a birth vegan