Lorem ipsum

I used to have a curling iron (I think I used it once) that had on its warning label not to insert the iron into any bodily orifaces especially while it's hot. While you would think that would be obvious, somebody likely won a lawsuit from doing just that.

Dude, you must be new here, I'm a trans woman. And I insist on the space (trans SPACE woman), because I'm a woman first who happens to be transgender.

I used to work with this one guy with one leg. (He was one of the higher-functioning clients at a day program for people with developmental disabilities.) When we went to the grocery store he would always ask for the motorized scooters so he could back them into me repeatedly while laughing his ass off. Then he would

I want to create an account with this as my profile picture and try to talk Uneasy About Things Blowing In The Wind guy into overcoming prejudices and going on a date with me.

+AllTheStars. When I would get customers that would lecture me as to why they aren't tipping (okay buddy), they get this smug sense of self-importance, they're really sticking it to The Man(TM). Except they're not. They're sticking it to Peached, who now has to now figure out if her gas bill or electric bill are

Apologies for my redundancy; I'm copying my comment from a different thread:

That's a thought-provoking point. Obviously there's a reason he wrote it this way and not in the typical male-centric "she initially resists then gives in" way that is so common.

Totally agree, I was having a conversation with one of my very liberal and I had though straight forward thinking male friends when we landed on the topic of consent and he went straight to the well it's all kind of a grey area cause of *insert any excuse.*

And I think that willingness to go there is what makes the show so good. Louis C.K. knows when he's being shitty, and it's kind of amazing to see someone so willing to play such a gross version of himself.

I thought it was a middle finger to that trope of woman-pretends-to-resist-but-secretly-loves-it.

Cool. I replied honestly and politely and I get a shitty and smug gif in return. I didn't realize I was replying to Gretchen Weiners.

You are free to tip only $4 on a tab, actually, but the rest of us are free to think you're an obtuse asshole.

I'm sure they're nice people, but it's the internet so we all have our monster masks on. I mean really! how dare you not recognize sarcasm when it's bereft of the spoken tonal indicators that normally tip us off to its presence!

well to be fair it IS compassion he's showing. The point of the joke is that she's about to have a baby, it would be ABSURD to care about the show or some fuckwit like Hamm more than her baby situation. That's why the story is "awwwwww" worthy, because he's basically saying "hey look, fuck all this, it's not

Because servers make less than minimum wage, and lots of assholes don't tip at all. It works out to an average, and that's why the government allows them to be paid in sub-minimum wage. I'll never understand why gratuities aren't included in the price, but it's the world we live in.

It makes me wonder about cognitive development and early exposure to the internet. Will speak to BabyBarge about internet hoaxes and reality today.

I wonder if her parents thought her (the main offender—she seems like the ringleader here) Slender Man obsession was just something kids these days are into. Her statement exhibits signs of a serious break from reality. This entire situation is just so sad.

again, with pregnant women, i've not seen that go well in person.

Have you spent time doing lab work? It's insanely tedious, complicated stuff, and any way to narrow down your hypothesis is always welcome.

Crying to laughing would be my exact reaction if Jon Hamm were to ever say ANYTHING to me.