Lorem Ipsum

I would say that generally when I’ve heard the tiresome “humanist” shit it’s from women, and the “all lives matter” thing I’ve only ever heard of white people saying, which makes it harder to attribute any positive explanation to the latter. They’re both gross bullshit, obviously.

So brave.

Rakim on his worst day >>>>>> Kendrick (or any other rapper ever, really) on his best.

I was hoping somebody from Jezebel would have something to say about the video for "Dear Future Husband".

I couldn't really give a shit less about how people want to live their lives as long as they're all consenting adults. You wanna be monogamous? You happy? WORD.

So this'll be the comment that gains an embarrassing number of stars and reminds us how judgmental this community can be.

Alright, here is my Robin S story. I started DJing in the SF Bay Area back in 1989. I did night clubs, bars, restaurants, raves, house parties, garage parties, birthday parties, weddings and even high school dances. During the same time, I also went out to clubs, raves, etc several nights per week. Although I

I have watched the TMZ video six times now, and I still can't really spot much of a difference. This:

That's true. At least it's better than Miley.

You guys, I truly truly truly hate Madonna. #unapologetic

One of the things that is very hard for the white fellow over 30 to accept, and I speak from experience, is that nobody wants to hear what we think about popular music. At best, we're weirdos trying to keep hip and at worst we're yelling at kids to get off our lawn.

Now playing

You left out that Jessica Paré's partner is the manager for Men Without Hats!

I genuinely don't have a body type preference other than preferring tall men, as I am tall myself. Consequently, I've dated men of literally all shapes and people always would act so surprised when those shapes corresponded to "traditionally attractive guy". In particular, I briefly dated this GORGEOUS soccer player

Oh, thank you!

Like one of those videos where classically trained dancers do TOUGH pirouettes in biker shorts because these are the streets. The beat streets.

SNL just put her suckitude and lack of talent on full blast b/c it's sound stage doesn't allow much room for the tricks that help her be mediocre.

There were like 15 bodies too many and 15 feet too many of chain link fence on stage. Whatareyoudoing.

It was so corny and costumey! It looked like another skit to me. There were so many terrible things happening. I was embarrassed for everyone involved.