Lorem Ipsum

I would really like to hear more of her thoughts on what constitutes a "real man".

It's almost as if making women feel bad is a durable business model.

Ha! Not to worry. Your screen name is badass and that will survive when you're "over-the-hill" at 23.

Sometimes I think Jez just tries to stoke their readers' fears of being unattractive. : /

"In a dynasty of superior entitled snobs, unfathomably rich from centuries of colonialism and slave-trading, I'm pretty much the least-likeable entitled snob of all them all. I wince at this heavy burden."

Absolutely 100% true.

Yeah, stupid really isn't that sexy. On anyone.

Well, that's unfortunate. But not entirely surprising.

Good. Glad I could bring a tiny bit of sunshine to your day. : )

Yes. Definitely "rebellious" avoidance of standard hygiene. Boring, annoying, and fundamentally, gross.

Both. This was not clear and I apologize.

Hey, have at it. Enjoy yourself. Drink in his deliciousness, if that's your bag.

I actually like these better:

I'm afraid these things have their own kind of inertia. Once a star becomes bankable, you can't pry him or her out of Hollywood's vicious maw.

Fame begets fame begets attraction. It's insidious.

Dude, even that dog is like:

Thank you. You have to pick your battles in life. I'll happily die on this hill.

I think Adam Driver fantasies are sufficiently depraved to qualify as a "kink".

LOL, too true!

Scientist have yet to devise an instrument that can accurately calculate their combined repulsiveness.