She succeeded in that, for sure.
She succeeded in that, for sure.
No, I get it. I both hate his character on Girls, and I also can't stand him as an actor. He's terrible. Apologies if that wasn't clear. There are hundreds of fine actors that play monstrous characters, and they are awesome. Adam Driver has the distinction of being a pretty bad actor who also played a bad…
No. Even though I love the Coen brothers. I will not willing consent to watching anything with Adam Driver in it. That's how bad he is.
His character in Girls is so repulsive I had to stop watching the show. No matter how funny it is, it can't trump the grossness of him as a character or, even worse, their execrable relationship.
Yeah, I think it's one of those things where he's become popular because he's popular. Lena cast him - with his atrocious mustache and quavery, nasally voice - because he's so distasteful. Yet, somehow, fame has conferred a certain magnetism that confounds all logic.
Adam Driver is really gross.
I had my friend steal my TEE-vee, so I could collect the IN-surance, but got caught by the PO-lice and sent to jell.
Thank you.
This in no way excuses anything, but the affidavit says that the collar was listed as a form of punishment in the contract, and that the master could punish in any way he chose, whether a rule had been broken or not.
I don't get it.
I have a high tolerance for gross, but a low tolerance for violence against women. Descriptions of vindictively inserting Icy Hot in a woman without her knowledge in the context of "Ha ha, isn't this gross!?!" are not cool.
Conceptually, I do like that she's going for this "anti-hot" aesthetic. After being drenched in over-the-top attempts at "sexy" during the MTV VMAs, Lena is kind of poking a thumb in the eye of the approach that Beyonce, Minaj, Iggy, etc. all revel in. She's quite calculated in presenting a look that says "Sexiness…
She's hilarious. In this kind of "Gee, you're clever, but I have to get away from you now" way.
It's kind of the Beatles vs. the Stones of our time.
Well, they are silent because they know if they say some shit like that I will embarrass them and hurt their feelings. And they don't want that.
I am frequently surprised by white people's reluctance to acknowledge their complicity and benefit resulting from the theft of land and destruction of culture belonging to Native people.
Yeah, describing a common advertising trope as needing to get jacked, beat, shot, or possibly killed is awkward to say the least. It's like saying "Soccer moms in advertising need to be slapped." Whhuuut??? Shouldn't any criticism (which really need not be violent) be leveled at the ad creators, not the tropes…
Brooklyn boy Busta Rhymes