
I can’t speak to all black women but I personally don’t mind if someone stops by my desk, compliments my hair, maybe asks a question or two and keeps it moving. Now that I’m older and don’t rely on chemically straightening it to death or weaves, I do a lot more with it. It’s pulled back in a bun most days but some

I didn’t know this was a thing until we adopted the munchkin (We’re white, he isn’t). People were treating him like a fucking zoo exhibit because he was a different race. And all the fucking questions about an incredibly personal decision “why did you do this?” And my personal favorite “are you going to have any kids

Nitpick: accident isn't the preferred terminology any longer. Neutral terms like crash, collision, wreck, are better.

Counterpoint: If you truly believe that you are hurt, because you let yourself be hurt, imagine that a bully uses exactly that, to torment their victims:

Yeah, but once you multiply that against the other statistics (accidents per mile traveled, accidents per trip, etc), air travel still comes out way way safer

Annnnd my dipshit follower accuses me of being one of those who didn’t. For reasons, apparently.

YEP! I have to correct every single repub that tries to talk at me about Bill Clinton signing NAFTA (“And sending our jobs to MeXiCOoOooo!!”), and tell them that the bill that became NAFTA originated in a Republican-controlled congress and was promoted by George HW Bush and Clinton just put his pen to the paper on it

I don’t give a fuck about the people who “held their noses.” They tried.

To all the Bernie Bros and Bots that told me the “the Supreme Court doesn’t matter” in 2016, I say Fuck You.

And of course she didn’t pitch a fit when being asked to leave (and comped the first course) because the optics are bad on that. It’s a private establishment, they have the right to refuse service, blah blah blah. She made it look to them like she was being cooperative and only got vindictive when she could weaponize

Nitpick of the nitpick: While fatalities per accident in aircraft is higher than automobiles, air travel is still exponentially safer than traveling in an automobile. Even with old statistics for the United States from 2000-2010, air traffic deaths per billion miles comes in magnitudes lower than automobile deaths per

Yeah, that’s a very odd thing for him to say. “She didn’t pitch a fit.” Umm...that’s exactly what she did, on her official Twitter account. Not pitching a fit and handling it well would mean moving the fuck on with her life and only commenting that “yeah, it happened” when/if asked. Or, and here’s a novel idea, not

The former Triangulator in Chief wants to take a more moderate approach? I’m shocked. Sarah Huckabee wasn’t exactly that civil. She then took to Twitter to whine and complain just like her petulant child she calls her boss. I really wish Bill Clinton would go away and Obama would become more vocal.

“I had a lot of respect for the way Sarah Huckabee Sanders handled it. She didn’t chew ‘em out. She didn’t pitch a fit. She didn’t call ‘em ‘immigrant-loving thugs’ or whatever. She just got up and left and offered to pay.”

It doesn’t really matter how much power a piece of paper says the government can have, when significant numbers of people elected to that government are willing to abuse that power in the open, a significant portion of the population are willing to overlook those abuses and support those in power, and a significant

Make sure you get your voice heard on his twitter account.

If I am hearing them correctly, they are actually saying we should pretend to be civil and serve them meals, but fuck with their food in the kitchen. Message received loud and clear.

I can see an argument that these actions are pointless and actually hurt the causes they’re intended to support. I don’t agree, but that would be at least worth considering. But the idea that the restaurant owner is violating Huckabee’s rights is just absurd.