
for as much as I shake my head at him, even John Mccain at least took the microphone away and shook his head, grumbling "no, no" at that birthers lady in the '08 campaign

*giggles/quietly sobs in corner * is probably closer to how I really feel about the loss of SC...

She probably meant to use both "muslim" AND "nigger". I'm sure "antichrist" would have gotten thrown around at some point too.

The coolest thing my mom ever did for me as a parent was letting me skip the day this republican sentient pile of fungal slough came to speak at my catholic high school. My friends skipped too. We got drunk on mikes hard lemonade & played Star Wars battlefront. It. Was. Awesome. This guy's head is so far up his ass


I KNOW. Where are the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" conspiracy theorists of yore? It's like no one even cares that the Jews are ruining everything anymore. Or...maybe the silence is part of the plot????

Under the "other" category, she has International Living as an interest. Let's make this happen for her.


It's that way, in part, because capitalizing proper nouns is "self-righteous." Uh huh.

only a matter of time before she changes it to a symbol and is referred to as "the researcher formerly known as danah boyd".