Defcon 1 *
Defcon 5 is the lowest alert level.
/fixing the world one minor error at a time.
Defcon 1 *
Defcon 5 is the lowest alert level.
/fixing the world one minor error at a time.
While potentially making for an amusing cycle of right-wing outrage, you’re really just begging to be arrested or shot, or both.
As Einstein said (or at least what one source has claimed he said without actually directly quoting him, but who cares—I like it), common sense is nothing more than a deposit of prejudices laid down in the mind prior to the age of eighteen.
I mean, once you go beyond, “that hurt so I shouldn’t do it again”, “common…
Yeah, I noticed that. For once, the commenters defending these kinds of people do actually seem to be worse instead of just a bit more honest.
The mystical motherhood shit is rage-inducing, but it’s the baked-in sexism that makes me want to scoop my eyes out with a spork and jam ice picks into my ears. I mean, clearly this shows that women get addicted in the first place because she’s not following her natural mandate as a woman. Make babies, have meaning,…
In what way am I talking down to anyone?
Did you even *watch* the original show?
The DEA can be disbanded right after it. Eff these guys. Seriously.
I actually buy that Roseanne would go for Trump—but would pretty quickly realize he’s exactly what everyone always said he was: a narcissistic rich scumbag. Her character is obviously a social progressive but also distrustful of politics and politicians, so she would be skeptical of Hillary Clinton. A non-politician…
Men are weak. Principles are strong. Never confuse the two. At best, you’ll eventually realize your mistake and you’ll be disappointed. At worst, you never realize it and instead elevate a flawed man beyond his appropriate station and you will help him wreak ruin upon the world.
Or at least do damage to your cause by…
If only. It seems as though NASA will never do anything significant again.
The article isn’t about how awesome or how stupid streaming is. It’s about terrible people being terrible people who happen to be streamers.
All you wanted to do was tell everyone that you think streaming is boring. No contribution to the conversation whatsoever.
Back in grade school, every assignment that would have involved a presentation I simply did not do.
Yeah, my grades sucked. I think I’ve gotten better, but it will never be my bag.
Fuck the other people too. They’re not “punishing” him because they care about karma or justice. They’re doing it because they’re antisocial pricks.
You don’t need to know anything about streaming to know that these people are antisocial pricks. Reutermosss is actually incorrect; they are very knowledgeable about this subject, as the subject is not Twitch streamers but toxic human beings.
The activity of watching other people play games is not even remotely the topic of this article or this comment.
My favorite response to that sort (and boy, are they easy to recognize), taking inspiration from
Assertions thinly disguised as questions are bread-and-butter for RWNJs and conspiracists alike.
Yes. Yes, it is actually dehumanizing. You sound like you’re referring to an animal or a police suspect.
And clearly very few readers of the Examiner article read even the abstract, which had only 93 views after I clicked on it.
I couldn’t read the whole paper either, so I said to myself, “well, I don’t even know what it is this person is saying, so I’m just not going to form an opinion.” The author heard about the paper…