
Child porn:because big people can fight back .

No it doesn’t. It happens *too much*, but no..it does not happen “all the time”. Farting, sleeping, eating cheese puffs happens *all the time*. Raping, does NOT happen all the time.

The implication here of course, is that women are so utterly powerless, roilingly stupid, worthless and hopelessly victimized, that the simple, single act of *standing between a child and a man in a public street* is not only one of honor and heroism but noteworthy enough to not only tweet and retweet, but then paste

Literally, hanging around feminists long enough turns me misogynistic. And I’m a feminist women.

Because of politics, plus until they get *popular*, no one is going to use them. You know how people are, fess up...and No genius, it’s not just women who are this dumb. Are you a MRA?

For all the trading of roofie stories here, and precaution-taking (DUH we all know bring it into the bathroom or let a trusted friend hold it already) maybe I can flip the script and bring something truly disgusting up for discussion. I mean really. What sort of hideous slime-creature gets off on penetrating an

LOLOLOLL BINGO!!! Love this post SO much.

Who the hell are these people hanging around? Is this a redneck thing? A ghetto thing? It’s all I can think...

sorority? insurance? This sounds like a bullshit story.

Seriously..You’re talking to people on gawker, it’s not going to happen. It’s all whine, whine, whine, why won’t other people do things for us, or why won’t other people STOP doing things to us. Total victim mentality. Like words matter to sociopaths. Hell, a part of me has almost begun rooting for the sociopaths.

Haha..sounds like my ex. In my experience, there are many more passive aggressive manipulative dbags than there are macho violent ones.

“who is child-rearing such absolute pieces of shit”

Women. Very, very, horrible women.

Wow, you date some real winners. Raise your standards.

Depends on the man now, doesn’t it?

You CANT be this stupid???!!

And you didnt stab him in the artery in “self defense”, why? *smdh*

She didn’t have to sit there anyway... there’s surveillance and as long as she or the restaurant hangs on to the glass, forensics can prove there is rohypnol or whatever in there.

Jesus people, how short your memories are. ..for people like me, who grew up in the Depp heyday (the 1990s), we remember clearly how he and Kate Moss were always in the news for going on coke benders and trashing hotel rooms. None of this is surprising to me.

This dude has like 3 decades of dating experience (some of

tell that to notinwonderland, who is STILL convinced that her abusive father is just, a regular ol sweetheart “except when he drinks, which is all the time”...LOLOLOLOL #stupidhumansindenial