Lorem ipsum

The mortality rate for a disease isn’t your chance of dying PERIOD, it’s you chance of dying once infected. If you compare any disease’s likelihood to kill its host to the whole US population, every disease is completely safe.

I hope you are looking for another job and will jump ship as soon as you can. (of course I mean when practical, because your boss is literally dangerous)

Nope.  We don’t talk about covid for now.

There have been many.

Building up to? Where have been for the last 40 years?

So what is 1% of 300 million people?

Oh haha, my supervisor recommended that covid-truther podcast to me too

They make belts that long?

it feels like we are building towards a crescendo of proud, aggressively self-injurious stupidity as a country. I hope it is the burning out of that particular segment of society as we head towards the removal of their Dear Leader from office and not the whole country but given their nihilism I think they’d be fine

Nah when it's this level of stupidity especially since she is most likely high risk due to obesity. Fuck this fat ass bitch and all she stands for, we would all be lucky for her to get infected and die off, same with the other dumbass she is with. And since that is the one thing you want to point out from that video,

I’m not going to call her a fatty or anything like that, but she is undoubtedly high risk due to her obesity. She is gambling with her life by not taking COVID seriously.

You’re not an intelligent person and nobody values anything you have to say.

None of the maskless people in that video should be eligible to receive professional medical care. If they get sick, tell them, “Nah, you’re just imagining it, it’s a hoax, made up by the media. You’re actually feeling fine. Go home.”

It’s OK to fat-shame pieces of shit. If you’re going to be an asshole, prepare to get punched below the belt.

Just read a story about someone dying after attending an anti-mask protest.

ya fat shaming is what we should be focused on. If you are that fucking stupid then bring on all the insults. 

Well, she’s a dangerous idiot that doesn’t care about other people. So fuck that fat bitch.

To be fair, I’m sure she likes some masks...

“If the media hadn’t mentioned Covid would have [sic] known is was [sic] even a thing?”

Brain damage is strong when a corherent sentence proves to be a difficult task.

The anxiety this sort of shit causes me is something I’ve never experienced before. I mean, I’ve dealt with anxiety my entire life, but this absolute confirmation that I’m surrounded by fucking idiots and led by someone who would gladly kill literally everyone in the country if he thought it made him look good... it’s