Lorem ipsum

that thing gives a new meaning to the phrase “punchable face”

Dear god

this reckless attitude isnt surprising considering her attitude towards her own health (re: her obesity) These people think major health problems don’t matter.

I can’t even wrap my head round that.

I’d answer it “Yes” as it’s only less than half a year and I’ve known four people to get it. No make that five! Just remembered my boyfriend’s aunt. Unbelievable she made it through this one!

note: I am in Florida though

i honestly think sometimes these shits are reckless because they ain got shit to lose anyway, if you know what I mean. Obese, brain damaged, uneducated...I’d have a death wish too.

fat shaming isn’t that bad considering the circumstances. We’re in the midst of a global pandemic where health matters. My slightly overweight bf and I just spent the past three months quitting smoking, sugar, processed food, changing out diet, adding a new range of supplements and vitamins, working out, isolating,

anti-intellectualism levels have become critical.

yep! My boyfriend has mentioned this old story a few times during the pandemic. Not sure who it was or if it was just a myth but: thousands of years ago, an old general and his army had captured many of the opposing army. These were not several hundred but tens of thousands of men under guard. Instead of killing his

Yep! I just defriended someone due to this. Her own friends were decrying her facebook post about the pandemic being overblown (this was back in March to be fair..) and feeling entitled to her spa and gym days, that the young and healthy should not have to stay inside (even though she’d complain of multiple health

Wow so, there is a cohort of people in the United States who are extremely uneducated very unintelligent if not mentally ill, utterly scientifically illiterate who are below most fifth graders in terms of their understanding of how reality works. To not immediately recognize that Zerohedge or some other nonsense

they could be black, watch the consequences roll in.

confirmation bias. it’s not ignorance, it’s fear.

it’s not shitty. we can not afford the huge amount of morons in this country as it is just a rolling snowball. we need to clear the gene pool quite a bit. i’m cheering on mother nature.

this is the type of shit that really makes me loathe white men. what is with the refusal to clean themselves and their surroundings well?Masks are basic hygiene rn.

i jst assumed theres a plastic clear slip underneath that

it cause sbrain damage in some people too. Hence the weird neurological symptoms that dont usually accompany flu, like hallucinations and lack of taste/smell.

literal fucking brain damage

Finally, nature has offered the world a strong enough selective pressure and with the bumbling republican lack of response, voila! with nothing to protect the poorly adapted, evolution actually matters again!

*rubs hands* Natural selection at its very best :D

there’s body shaming and there’s utter shock at how a whale landed herself at a local restaurant

stupid people usually arent the healthiest

the next white boomer that rails about his rights is getting thrown into the nearest manhole.