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oh gaawd i know people like this. i literally want to punch them very hard.

i read a different story..as usual, they did not much too to actually prevent the tutsis from being vilified at the outset (speaking out, recognizing the issue)

i read a different story..as usual, they did not much too to actually prevent the tutsis from being vilified at the outset (speaking out, recognizing the issue)

I’m sorry for you as well. Get this:I was in my 20s at the time I found out my little brother was being grabbed by this other kid. My mom literally tells me: “good thing that your father is gone and I’m doing right finally. If this was you, I would have blamed you.”

My textbook-NPD aunt laughed about it and worried

thank you- i really appreciate that. i was never sexually abused,my brother was for a short time but we cant litigate that for several reasons. i was neglected and abused at home and bullied/neglected at school, but i’d really love to bring charges against authority figures and relatives who never stepped in. this is

thank you- that actually means a lot. you’d be surprised how rarely some of us ever hear “i’m sorry”- from anyone!

at that age i remember liking puppy dogs and snails much more than sparkles and spices, and feeling a bit lonely that i was being separated from the things i liked by some abstract, random association.

“That kid grows up having a weird resentful relationship with his Mother and takes it out on every woman he meets, having no good male role models, HE grows up to be a horrible father, but instead of HIS son hating HIM...he blames the parent that was actually there. The Mom.’

Dad’s aren’t there emotionally or literally and so all there IS is Mom

^^^ bingo

so close to outing the school...so tired of not bein able to tell anyone this shit and carrying it around for al these years.i was bullied there ten years before my brother. 

to be fair, also the lines adding up to the punchline are awful too.

they did so much to prevent the rwandan children from being buthered after feeeding them and teaching them about baby jesus...and by “so much” i of course mean nothing, the fucks.

i agree 10000%...now, if only america would start making sense. i wont hold my breath.

my little brother (not an altar boy) did get molested by another kid at schoo, a boy twice his size. not only did no one do shit but my mother had to literally YELL and FIGHT verbally for his safety after going to see the teacher then the principal three different times for them to simply seat him far from this kidin

lol almost everyone i knew growing up would be chargethen. i mean tens of people- but i advocate this very much

i was always told morality is independent of religion. my hyper religious parents always made it clear to me that it was about absolute authority and power rather than ethics or morals, which are always subject to change.

Predators are going to flock to systems that are prone to predation.

The fact that churches CHOOSE to protect the ones that EVERYONE KNOWS ABOUT instead of letting law enforcement handle them, shuffling them around without any repercussions, is far more damning.

because thee fucktarded pervs have too much power. the whole system is bullshit. tear it down and take their power away.

no kidding, who says things like this except rapists and pervs?