I would still consider skipping to their apartment humming "white Christmas" after work.
I would still consider skipping to their apartment humming "white Christmas" after work.
He lost me at "falling pregnant." Who says that?
"She paid rent, and she was there probably three times."
Not much longer now!
There's that subtle fountain of white foamy substance while she enthusiastically opens her mouth toward it AND gives a thumbs up.... classic advertising gag!
What if this is just some weird "viral" marketing thing that's actually supposed to be a PSA about Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? Or maybe that's how the BarTrendr people will try to play it?
God, can you imagine the employee turnover rate? You'd finally get a woman who was showing enough to be obviously pregnant and then, of course, she'd have to go give birth to the damn thing. I would hate to be in their HR department.
What I love about free speech folks is that they conflate free speech with freedom from consequence. Free speech does entitle them to say anything they want, including a bunch of jack-off dick-headed things. It also means that if they say these things they must own and take responsibility for them and their…
I think they just wanted to name something "gestations."
I know the But Free Speech brigade aren't known for thinking things through, but I don't know how anyone can think that free speech constitutes yelling abuse at someone.
Rape threats over the design of a bank note. I keep repeating this fact to myself; I see the Tweet. Yet my brain keeps sending back this news bite, stamped "WTF?" I think it's because I had no idea how low the threshold could be for a man to feel his status threatened. If something as impersonal as a bank note can…
Also,this happened in the UK, which does not have the same protection of free speech as the US.
"but free speech" is the new "but I have black friends" and "Im sorry that you feel offended" and my personal favorite "sorrynotsorry"
Before the "but free speech!!1!" lot rolls in - I don't care. You can't just go around vomiting up shit like that without consequences.