
Where did you come up with that misguided bullshit?

"I never call the cops."

But the hoonage though! Won't somebody think of the precious hoonage?

Let me guess, you do not have many responsibilities other than to yourself? Who is "the man". The other people on the road? It's like me peeing on our front door, you opening and me saying, "Hey, I am just sticking it to the man".

If I don't understand the need to shut down major highways just so you and your dumb buddies can do burnouts and donuts then I consider that confirmation that I'm not the dumbass.

The only message I got out of this was that we allow people with diminished mental capacities to own and drive motorized vehicles. Fucking idiots.

Dude, fuck you. It's a great way to ruin people's days and make them late for shit they need to get to. It's a great way to keep emergency services from saving people's lives. It's a great way to keep firefighters from a burning building.

If you were dying on one side of this bullshit and the ambulance was on the other side, at least you'd die laughing.

You claim to live in the Bay Area but your comments have me seriously questioning whether you've ever had to commute here. If so, you wouldn't pretend like this shit only takes up 5-10 minutes of time. That's complete bullshit. You do not understand how traffic jams work.

If by "The Man" you mean "Thousands of people just trying to get groceries," then yes, it IS a great way to stick it to The Man

And to anybody needing to get anywhere in the city! Fuck those people! I hope they missed their flights, or they got fired for being late to work, or their dates went horribly, or their kids where scared when nobody picked them up from school! I mean, why shouldn't thousands of people be severely inconvenienced so we

Lindsay: tell your side of that story where James Franco patronizingly read you "A Perfect Day For Bananafish."

I dunno, I'd think that with everything she's gone through from the Parent Trap up until now someone could put together an interesting book about her life.

She looks really good in that picture! And while I won't read this book, I'll read the review highlights enthusiastically. For 28 she's seen some shit.

ETA: By "some shit" I mean "celeb gossip I want to hear."

It's an igloo. If he gets too close to the fire, it will melt.

If this had been around when I was that age...all I can say is that I'd have hacked the shit out of it. Several years ago, my parents and I were having some pretty serious disagreements (to be fair we still don't really get along too well, but I'm long since out of my teens and no longer live with them - so much more

FWIW, I don't think you were being a brat when you refused to answer your mother's calls. I think you were trying to set some much-needed boundaries with someone who had very little respect for yours. Everyone gets that it wouldn't be ok for a partner to treat you like that, and just cuz she's your mom doesn't

Our stories are really similar, even down to the last, train station goodbye and husband having to resort to contacting law enforcement. When I was working my first paralegal job out of college, she would call me constantly, even though she knew I was not permitted to take personal calls when I was helping clients.

I don't know how to feel about this. My mom smothered the fuck out of me as a teen. I wasn't a partier; if I was going out, then it was either to youth group or to the mall with a friend, and I stayed in touch with her and followed curfews, let her know if I was going to be late, etc. But she never left me alone. I

I'm in my 30s and when my mom calls Or texts I get a surge of adrenaline that says "answer right now." Maybe I should patent whatever mojo my mom uses to keep me at her beck and call long into adulthood.