
She also has a no-nudity clause in her contract.

Yeah, but I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s misdirection. The writers and actors have done things like this before. He couldn’t very well say he’s NOT dead.

Where is JudyJ when you need her?


Totally understand. I myself have a tenuous relationship with the industry that I used to be a part of.

That movie is the sweetest.

Are there Bradley Cooper gay rumors??

SERIOUSLY! Like hello, Secretary?!

I'm confused - where did I say he shouldn't be kept alive??

For the record it’s not a problem for ALL thoroughbreds - only for the super potentially elite ones who are bred to within an inch of their life. Your run of the mill TB is still a great breed, and good with almost any cross.

Agree to disagree - I think there is widespread physical deterioration in purebred thoroughbreds. That’s the opinion I’ve extrapolated from my research.

I’m not sure what you’re asking but I think you’re asking if AP had run against Secretariat and Sham, what would’ve happened? If that was the case, he would’ve gotten smoked. The fractions set by Secretariat and Sham in the first half of Belmont were ungodly and we’ll probably never see the like again. American

Now playing

I think The Weeknd is one of the most exciting artists in decades. He can sing like nobody’s business, his production is dope, and some of his lyrics are actually quite good. The song content can be dark but he has such a pristine, sparkling voice I think it elevates it from being emo. IDK, his music never read as

Not liking his voice is one thing, and is fair and totally valid since it’s an opinion. But he is a technically brilliant singer.

I feel you! And I’m in Oakland and it’s very much the same. They’ll have like 5 different IPAs on tap and then Blue Moon or something. Blearg.

Yep! General IPA disliker here (though of course with exceptions) but I can almost always get down with a white or black IPA. As David said below the Chainbreaker is really good, and 21st Amendment has the Back in Black.


Poor baby! I’m sure he’s grateful to you for saving him. Enjoy him – TBs are great horses.