I feel like an abject moron for writing this. It was unacceptable. Violence is never a solution to any problem. I wish I could delete this comment but I suppose it is only fair that it stands as testimony to my own stupidity.
I feel like an abject moron for writing this. It was unacceptable. Violence is never a solution to any problem. I wish I could delete this comment but I suppose it is only fair that it stands as testimony to my own stupidity.
Alvin Lau (a Crusader) and Alexis Loo (a Demon Hunter) met online while they were playing Diablo III. Their online…
I just want to say a big thank you to whoever finally removed that god awful fish with teeth devil-thing that was haunting my “you might also like” bar on the left. THANK YOU!
Jordan Sargent is A Dumbass.
Second best ALL AROUND player.
Yeah, I mean why would anyone be afraid of being shot at. They should have just let the kid keep shooting because, after all, their training will magically keep bullets from piercing their bodies.
Roger Goodell is an American Hero, son. He stood up to cheating and corruption and won. This is a great day for truth, justice, and the American way.
After careful consideration, and hour long (coughthreesecondscough) deliberation, I have come to the inevitable conclusion that I’m all:
You're kind of a dick.
This piece was pretty annoying. I’m a female and I enjoyed the episode, as well as the previous two. Please don’t use Jezebel as a podium to whine about things you don’t understand due to lack of interest. My unsolicited advice: If you don’t care, don’t write about it.
Notable predictions from Stephen A. Smith’s ancestors:
Why do you even care about this -_-
You should change the headline - even if just for this woman's sake - yes, she had an abortion but she did so for a very specific reason and it's click bait to leave the headline as is. I was horrified by the title and then immediately realized it was misleading.
If you try to decipher Hideo Kojima, you’re gonna have a bad time.
I’m a Nets fan too! Life is terrible.
I’m trying so hard to think of what her “initiatives” would be as a first lady and can’t even come up with anything stupid but plausible enough.
I can’t tell if you’re serious.