Lorem Ipsum

Just release a real Triple Triad game and you can have all my money.

Reads Title ... not interested ... still comments

He could just take a low buyout and end all of this if he really wanted to right?

Please dismiss my post above, thank you.

I feel like an abject moron for writing this. It was unacceptable. Violence is never a solution to any problem. I wish I could delete this comment but I suppose it is only fair that it stands as testimony to my own stupidity.

Please dismiss my original post.

Someone has to kill him. Sucks I have to write that.

I’ve lost my mind at this point. I genuinely hope some of these people are assassinated. I hate myself for feeling this way. It is not a choice.

Jordan Sargent is A Dumbass.

I really wish you wouldn’t black the names out. They are asking for it.

RZA, who was there, said that was not true.

The only way to achieve anything resembling parity in the NBA is to remove the max salary cap for a player.

Women are generally weak willed and of weak mind, amirite?

This is slightly better than winning the NIT.

You’re crazy.

I think you’re probably outraged when the wind blows.

This is pretty innocent I think. You’re making a mountain out of a molehill. It’s literally what the filter is designed for.

This in any way better than Ghostery?

Amber Rose does not have a career, she is famous because she sleeps with successful men. She has done nothing of any merit and simply rides off of other’s coattails.

If you give 45 Billion Dollars to charity you can do whatever the fuck you want.