Lorem Ipsum

Its unreal how many people comment here that feel that anyone not living life exactly the same as they are is clearly living wrong. The former Gawker sites commentariat never lets me down in being the lowest common denominator.

Xenoblade is a completely different beast compared to I Am Setsuna. It’s more closely similar to MMORPG like FFXIV or WoW, or FFXII for that matter. If you like those games you’ll like Xenoblade as well

It’s actually sad to read some of these comments. Why are people threatened by someone enjoying something differently than they do?

Good call on the sales, I’ll be holding out for a bundle bundle. :)

Yes but you have to buy things in bundles from the E shop. This is one table for free and I believe 2 others that are fun. Really good for free, no doubt. The packages ran from 10 bucks to 3 for some themed ones, for the ones I wanted it would’ve ran over 30 bucks; a little too steep for me this week. :)

I’ll agree to that. D2 is a good, but flawed game. D2's biggest problem, though, is D1 at the end of year 3, was a far better game. And that’s partially why fans are so pissed off. D2 is a step backward from where we were.

I probably play PvP more during the laser tag weekend compared to the rest of the time since I owned D2. In general I just do PvP for the weekly milestones, then GTFO.

It’s really great. So much content. A number of Multiplayer options. New “New game plus” options for abyss. So many gameplay styles to try. You can spec out to be incredibly fast and untouchable which I like. You can reskill your ability points and level by buying a cheap reskill item so you aren’t stuck with a build

Now playing

I’m all for funny names but the reaction they elicit should be a sensible chuckle followed by an “oh, you!” This is just eye-rollingly vulgar with no creativity.

I agree with the Nioh suggestion. Got it a couple weeks ago and I now have over 90 hours on it. It’s like a Dark Souls game that lets you cheat.

Very true, which makes the speed with which Sony has turned these numbers all the more impressive. Nintendo seems to have found a comfy little niche to settle into again, so I’m not worried about them, and Microsoft seems set to trail Sony this gen like Sony did them last gen.

Which would still be a gross oversimplification. They can attempt to redefine the term however they want, but theirs is a fandom that at its most unassuming still involves attraction to the idea of animals or anthropomorphized animals. Maybe not sexual attraction, but lifestyle attraction at least.

CoO is very pretty and I’m enjoying the Osiris story, but if you’re not a slave to the grind like I am, you can probably skip it. I think Bungo is making some bad decisions.

Hot take - some of us disagree with the philosophy of the game’s economy but still want to enjoy the solid Star Wars experience that it seems to deliver (based on many reviews). Those of us rely on ‘update’ articles like this to help determine when we might want to invest in this debacle.

Everybody except for those who play and enjoy it.

Journalism doesn’t really work like that. My job is to remain in contact with games so that people can be informed as to what’s happening in them. I try to call out trash practices when I see them. I’ve done that for Battlefront II, be that my review or a longer piece about how much I think loot boxes are bullshit.


Now that Xenoblade 2 is out, I won’t be buying any new games until next year. The game is incredible by the way. Already put 20 hours into it.

Hate to add insult to injury but as a deihard BF1 player who couldn’t afford the expansions, that 15$ for the premium pass was the best purchase I’ve ever made

Hate to add insult to injury but as a deihard BF1 player who couldn’t afford the expansions, that 15$ for the

Have had the base game since the release; snagging the premium pass for 15$ last week was the best thing I’ve ever bought. Verdun is incredible, as are the Russian maps. I’m going to skip this and stay with BF1; it is such a good game.

Have had the base game since the release; snagging the premium pass for 15$ last week was the best thing I’ve ever