Lorem Ipsum

Hi Heather — thanks for the recap! Alien: Isolation is one of my favorites from this gen. Played the hell out of it on base PS4, bought it again when I got an X1X and played the hell out of it again. Was intrigued by the idea of having it with me on Switch, but everything you said mirrored my own concerns. Not a great


“Dark mode” fan for years. This article has a strong scent of “I don’t want you to like the thing you like! Also, that thing didn’t exist until I heard of it and decided I didn’t like it!”

Really? I’m nearly done with my second playthru of XC2 and am looking forward to playing the Torna expansion. I understand ‘diff’rent strokes’ and all, but I guess I didn’t see folks’ experience as being that disparate....

Hi Mike, thanks for writing this up! I’ve got a Nintendo Voucher locked and loaded for Astral Chain, can’t wait!

Hi Ethan — I played FO76 for the first time during its free demo week that coincided with E3. I have to say that it was kinda fun! A little while ago I received a request from Bethesda to do a fairly comprehensive survey on that experience.

I’m here to agree with the other two folks who already posted. This is an absolutely fantastic game.

I have a reason: I enjoy playing games but I simply don’t care enough to maintain a PC. I’d say it really depends on how intent the individual person feels about the hobby. My consoles really are good enough for the amount of time/effort I’m willing to spend on playing games. I’m glad you’re happy with your choice.

On the one hand, it’s great to appreciate cultural stuff, and if doing it makes you feel like you belong, that’s great too. And of course, When In Rome...etc. 

Yeah, truly fantastic stuff. I already can’t wait to see what they come up with next.

Honestly, while Rousey’s position on certain things is douchey as all hell, Heather Alexandra’s demagoguery is really wearing on me. I don’t know why I even allowed myself to fall into this article, tbh. She sure does have her base whipped up into a frenzy though.

SteamWorld Quest! I’ve been alternating between that and Katana Zero all week. I’m struggling a bit in the boss fight against that goblin keymaster and his brute companion in the 4th(?) area. Love it though.

Fantastic game! Wolf Among Us was my first TT game, and this was my second. I haven’t played one since. Any recommendations? I’ve heard Walking Dead was pretty good too. 

Chicken - it’s a damn good thing there are lusty, virile, sexually active (no such thing as *too* active) people like you and me ready to put ‘em in their place.

Straight on down. Carpool lane, EZ-Pass, VIP escort, all the way down.

Oh I’m pretty sure I know what it means, and you’re just going to have to trust me on that. I’ll never, ever refer to myself as a “gamer”. 

I am a little over 70 hours in, playing endgame content now (World Tier 2), and I’ve played completely solo.

I’ve gotten it into my head that Twitch is ruining video games, but I’m not sure why I say that as I’ve never seen a Twitch stream and I don’t plan on watching either. I’m sure I’ve seen lots of comments about Twitch that have probably burrowed into my subconscious. All I know is, I’ve been ignoring it on the surface,

Exact same thing here. I was wondering why my little airburst seeker-ball kept failing. I thought an enemy was neutralizing it but now I think it was just vanishing. I did encounter an elite boss who flat-out stomped it into oblivion, but it was a very visible action. In other cases it just winked out of existence or

Ok, so you folks weren’t kidding. Dead Cells is AMAZING.