Lorem Ipsum

I think you’d also need to consider what the individual gamer is planning to do with the hardware. If you plan to play/raid competitively, then it follows that top-tier hardware does provide an advantage in that respect—but for standard gaming, there’s nothing in the world wrong with a console.

I mean, hell, there’s

The financial noose Kotaku is living under must really be tightening if this kind of blatant controversy designed article is what's required to try to desperately stay in business. Some of us have gotten wise to the media's race baiting and sex baiting back and we're tired of it.

It is so great. I was worried that the card battle system would be a disappointment like Paper Mario, but it is fantastic. Everything Image & Form releases is gold.

Last Jedi is the third best Star Wars Movie after Empire and Rogue One and anyone who disagrees can go straight to hell.  Do not pass go.  Do not collect 200 dollars.  

I’m level 30 and the only enemies that take more than a mag to kill are the heavy armored tanks. And those are “bosses” so they’re supposed to be harder to kill. Compared to the first Division, these enemies are down right easy to kill. 

Agreed and with services like Gamepass, PS now, EA access, I have more gaming choices than I ever have. Current game sucks? play something else!

Plot twist: Power level in Destiny 2 is basically meaningless because everything just scales up to your level anyway.

Lmao so what? You’re gonna play a game you don’t like over and over until it MAY possibly be okay in the future? Have fun dude. I’m sure the guys who played DayZ feel awesome. 

Alternative Alternative Title: No One is Forcing You To Buy Games New.

I have to ask - the game on release was “trash,” then why did you buy it? Why not try not buying the game, or waiting until it’s in a state where you’d be happy with it? There are, you know, reviews that you can use to make these judgements.

Black Friday can test me too. YEARS ago I learned to never pre-order and to wait to buy new games until I could read some reviews, then tacked on waiting for a year or more to buy games I knew I wanted. What I do so I don't buy stuff based on price alone on Black Friday is to set a hard rule for each title. For

my thoughts exactly. you may as well just admit you got ripped off on a crappy game or lie and pretend to really like it because not playing your new AAA full price game should not be the solution to any problem.

You should absolutely buy it. The sense of accomplishment is tremendous. And the difficulty is tempered by precise controls and great gameplay. I never once felt the game cheated me. 

I agree with your game buying strategy. Personnaly, I stopped buying games on release day YEARS ago. First, I rarely play any games online anymore. This makes things a lot easier as there is practically zero pressure to buy the games your friends are playing, which are always games they all bought on launch day

Buy it, I promise it’s worth the money.

Reading your comments, I honestly don’t care what you think.

Buying a game on launch day isn’t a “right”. He can simply wait.

That’s what I do, as a rule. I wait for the GOTY editions. By then I have read some reviews and I have second guessed my “oh my god, oh my god, I want to play this now, look how shiny!” impulses. Also, for half the price (or less) I get all the content.

Alternate title: Be Okay with Giving Game Companies Interest-free Loans.

If you feel like games are cheaper and better a year later, maybe stop buying them the day they come out?