Lorem Ipsum

I used to get locked down by the sunk-cost fallacy pretty hard when it came to video games, like if I banged my head against that wall hard enough or long enough I’d somehow recoup my costs. Or even worse, that if I spent even more time and money (Destiny 1 & 2), I would reach a point where the whole experience became

I LOVE Game Pass. Not only have I discovered a ton of great games I’d otherwise never have seen, but it’s also a great antidote to those “I’m bored” impulse-buys.

The problem is, I don’t even know what that does, and I feel like I should know. I knew what Thorn and Gjally did long before I actually saw one. They were, well, legendary. Getting all aspects of the loot right is so important in a game like this. Oh, I also don’t even know the name of that one legendary I do have.

I forgot to mention in my previous reply, I’m replaying ME:A now and enjoying it even more the second time around. Maybe it’s because of the Anthem comparison, but I really feel it’s not that bad of a game. I get that it’s not a great series installment, but as a sci-fi action game it’s really quite fun. And yes the

Dunno. My one Anthem legendary is an Interceptor assault dash attack with inscrutable inscriptions. The bulk of my MW weapons are heavy pistols. If they’re meant to be a response to Destiny’s handcannons, they are really not cutting it. The javelins themselves are great, but the weaponry is spectacularly uninspired.

Yeah you’re not wrong. I kept thinking about how Destiny 2 gave me a Sunshot during the story itself. I kept that gun infused all the way up until I stopped playing, I loved it so much. The thing is, I got to choose from some great exotic weapons as part of the story, and it made me want to get more. 

It’s hard to say. You can also build up little enclaves around DC now in addition to your HQ and they’ll send staff to your HQ. It’s a great way to establish connections in the game world. In the demo we ran into a frustrated and injured woman at the Theater District who needed help rescuing her daughter, and on the

Sounds good! I’m totally down with that. I just played Dragon Age Origins for the first time a few months back and loved it.


The last time I was on I did everything I could think of, including clearing every trash mob camp and dungeon I could find in freeplay (the supposed “sure-fire” method for triggering the loot table to function somewhat properly) and got garbage for my efforts.

As terrible as that sounds, one can’t help but admire EA’s strident commitment to their own...er, moral sensibilities. ;)

Thanks for the replies. Looks like I’m adding Dead Cells to the list!

It’s not an opinion about Anthem. It’s about the people fighting over Anthem. 5 minutes in those subreddits would make you believe they all killed each other’s families.

I’m absolutely looking forward to Division 2, sure. It’s requiring a bit of willpower for me to not be there on day one. Based on the beta, it looks like the game is going to start off on the right foot (from a fan’s perspective at least, which I am). Enjoy!

Good strategy, and I hope you can maintain it. Yeah, Black Friday in particular is always a real test for me. That’s where the majority of my backlog comes from.

Hey Zach, that’s really been working well for me tbh. It took me a while to learn that I don’t need to play games the nanosecond they come out. But once I did learn it, I haven’t really looked back. And with a backlog as large as mine, there’s always something to play!

I agree. I definitely paid my dues previously (mainly on D1), and I was gratified to see that I wasn’t going to need to no-life D2 to see the newer content.

I keep looking at Dead Cells on the eShop and I keep not buying it. Sounds like I may be in error here...?

Why, dude? You’re acting like you just came from spending all day on Reddit defending Anthem or something.

I remember a post from someone a while back; the person was terrified of taking a break from Destiny 2 for fear of being left behind. People asked this person, “left behind from what?”, and the person didn’t know or couldn’t articulate it. It didn’t seem to be clan/community related (at least, there didn’t seem to be