Lorem Ipsum

Between D1 and D2 I’ve got hundreds of hours logged myself, and I solo’d as much of it as I could. I haven’t been on since about a month after D2’s launch...not going to lie; I’m a bit leery. But I will absolutely take what you said into account. 

Aside from a few select activities, Destiny is fairly accommodating to solo players. Looks like the dreaming city is one of those select activities.

That doesn’t sound too encouraging. But thank you for bringing me back to reality; my finger was starting to get close to pulling the trigger on Forsaken.

Sums it up for me! The guys are approaching it with a self-awareness I can’t help but admire.

I am very ready for this. It’s cliché i know, but... #Perfect4Switch

You could be right. I got stuck at 89 for 3 full XP bars, I kept maxing it out but it would only open up 1 or 2 stats for a one-step upgrade and my OVR would stay the same. At that point i was making more VC than I could spend on my MyPlayer. Such a crappy experience. I eventually just pulled the plug on it.

I loved 2K18’s actual basketball game, but the VC? Never again. Sticking with Live for the foreseeable future.

Fatal Frame 2 was the first game to make me feel almost paralyzing anxiety while playing, and I loved it.

In Alien: Isolation I was more afraid to use the light than not. You never knew who or what it was going to attract. I did, however, get a kick out of using the flamethrower for quick bursts of light like Dallas did in the Nostromo’s ducts. 

Hash, yeah I definitely was having a “dude where’s my car” moment 

I could have sworn I had an Ace of Spades handcannon already and I stopped playing about 4 weeks after D2’s launch. If that’s not possible then what the heck am I thinking of?

I’ve been playing a lot of backwards-compatible games lately via Game Pass and EA access, and you can see a clear trajectory of MTs gaining more traction over successive years :/  Really unpleasant to see it unfold in time-lapse, as it were.

It’s about time for another Strikers, no?

I played a lot of 2K18 earlier this year, and while I really liked the game’s personality as well as the gameplay itself, the MT-heavy...well, *everything* really stunk. I’m playing Live 18 now, and while there’s a lot I miss from 2K, the atrocious MyPlayer leveling sure isn’t one of them.

Only one response so far, and that person has pretty much checked out. I think it may be the same for me; I’ve been seeing reports of all the stuff people are doing in the game, but instead of making me feel excited, I feel a bit of anxiety and dread instead. Kind of like when you suddenly get handed a project at work

I dunno guys. I’m not saying “screw Bungie you lied to me it’s all terrible.” or anything like that. What I’m saying is that I don’t think I can get back to that place where I was putting hundreds of hours in, looking for everything little thing and doing everything I could in the game all the time.

Doesn’t really matter what you actually believe, but god help you if you don’t plant your flag on the correct side.

Honestly, I think we just kind of memorized everything. Not consciously, but it almost became like muscle memory. I do remember sharing homemade maps of Ganon’s dungeon at the junior high lunchtable (I still remember the first one of us who completed it and discovered the map produced a skull image was in awe of it).

Ok, so what you’re gonna need here is a good nerf-herder. I got a guy in mind, he can take care of it.

China or Japan please. Personally I’d prefer China, but at this point I’ll be happy if the series can do anything in East Asia (the Chronicles game set in China was fun and aesthetically quite pleasing for what it was, but I’d love a “proper” entry).