
For anyone who doesn’t want to read or watch, they did it using a magician’s cane and an LED strip.

Dude, it’s Iowa. Expecting Iowa to go Blue nowadays is like expecting the College of Cardinals to vote for Bill Maher to be the new Pope

To sum up: an influencer/amateur boxer asked an insurrectionist/felon/former POTUS about the existence of aliens, which the FelonOTUS answered with a word salad about handsome pilots who are taller than Tom Cruise and saw “some really strange things” while flying their “super fighter jet planes.”

I’ve been watching the number of solar farms around my city grow steadily over the years. The Rural Folk got themselves all riled up by our former governor, but he’s gone now and I get the feeling a lot of these folks are realizing that it’s a lot easier and more profitable to lease a small chunk of land to a

So why, precisely, do you think the people who build solar facilities are unaware of this?

The Cybertruck is basically the coupe SUV ie. BMW X6 of pickup trucks. You didn’t buy it for space, utility, off roading, towing, work, ergonomics etc. It is purely a styling exercise.

Cumming was an excellent Nightcrawler. But honestly, I never saw Nightcrawler as gay in the comics. He modeled his entire persona off of Errol Flynn, who was rumored to be bisexual but was mostly known for being an unrepentant womanizer.  He’s the dashing hero who sweeps the woman off her feet and leaves before the

I know Cumming has said he had a bad experience making this movie, and it’s a damn shame because he was an amazing Nightcrawler. The kindness, the sensibility, the spirituality...and the opening in the White House was such a cool use of his powers.

They aren’t building them because Vegas built 3 about 10 years ago and they were huge flops. They turned out to not produced half they power the clamed, cost way more to run that thought, actually used a huge amount of natural gas very inefficiently getting started in the morning, and just can’t compete with

Get ready for the rural maga rednecks to freak out as they see solar and wind as both cultural genocide and emasculating.

Are you stating that an accusation might actually be an accidental confession?

Don't be a cunt, Ralph.

The article is clearly trying to paint a picture of both administrations being equally at fault, but the details they outline paint a picture of it being ordered by trumps people, the downstream agencies and contractors were basically given carte blanche to do whatever they want, within a short period of time from

Angered that military officials had ignored their warning, Facebook officials arranged a Zoom meeting with Biden’s new National Security Council shortly after the inauguration, Reuters learned. The discussion quickly became tense.

I’m sure it was pure coincidence too that anti vaxxers overwhelming support Trump, that Trump started it. Why Biden let it continue is an open question though. 

I’m not necessarily against psi-ops campaigns, b/c they do have their place and uses in regards to national security and interests, but this is one that didn’t seem necessary, needed, or helpful. If anything it only served to fuel the anti-vax movement which has been detrimental to our collective public health the

I find the willful blindness of uber-rich to be beyond baffling about their wealth. The Dow is higher than ever. Inflation, something largely out of Biden’s control to begin with, is now mostly controlled. The legislation he passed is spurring growth and jobs—reaping the benefits of investment in America. Point being

It’s a democratization of what the Force and be, and who can wield it, that Star Wars has slowly moved back toward in recent years after a period of attempting to define and canonize explicit rules about it—and a move for the better for the galaxy far, far away.

that these are individual choices and responsibilities, that anyone can pull on the Thread, as Aniseya tells Osha, and take fate into their own hands rather than leaving it up to some cosmic reckoning.

Hey James, now that Gizmodo’s not owned by the herb anymore, how about finally booting the obvious trolls?