
Early and often.

I think I know who this guy is. 

I certainly feel for service folks but the tipping thing has gone out of control. Once Alamo Theaters started sticking me with an 18% “service” fee that they claim goes to wages, I stopped tipping there altogether. I’m also generally done tipping for counter service.  Stuff costs too much and I get that restaurants

We should not have to subsidize the wage paid by employers. Especially given the racist origins of tipping in this country. But it sucks that this can hurt workers but what can we really do? Sure you could write your politicians about this but when the American people want something, it’s more than likely not to

For explicitly tipped positions, ff everyone refused to tip them, then the employer would have to pay the difference required to reach minimum wage.

Notably, in CA (and WA and OR in addition to others) that practice is actually illegal- everyone must make min. no exceptions

For context also- the west coast has no “tipped minimum” in that restaurants are not allowed to pay below state minimum wage like in other states with the assumption of tips. Its not a living wage, but its not like doing this in a state where the staff is otherwise making like $2/hr or something.

If the service worker’s wage is discounted below minimum wage in order to “compensate” for tips (which is ludicrous), then I feel like tipping is appropriate. However, there is no way that I’m tipping at McDonalds and Starbucks - they get a full wage.   

Charges against Assange were originally brought by Donald Trump’s DOJ, which is somewhat ironic given the fact that Assange’s leaks in the lead up to the 2016 election helped Trump win the White House.”

The people at the high end restaurant generally are expected to be better at their jobs. (ymmv) They aren’t expected to ‘get butter’ and ‘refill drinks’ because the butter is supposed to be there in sufficient quantity 100% of the time, not being doled out in tiny amounts to deter use. Drinks are the same with high

While I cant be certain, I have a feeling a big impetus of this sentence was the wife’s insistence on not pressing charges or in any way supporting any incarceration. TMK, they haven’t even divorced, but stay married.

I almost think having to live with his wife (or parents as the case may be) after this would be punishment enough...

I believe his wife asked to not press charges, which was a big factor. I think the state is also suing him for recovery damages.

Sounds like this guy is going about it in an a-hole way, so I’m not going to boost him by going and looking at it myself, but the core point – that the customer shouldn’t bear the responsibility for the service worker’s salary – is correct, and if everyone simply kow-tows to the notion that they should spare a

Yes, it’s an lame excuse the industry uses to underpay their workers, and unfortunately, now it’s spread to places like Subway and Starbucks too. Unfortunately, it’s so ingrained in the industry, it’s hard to change, as restaurants that have tried no tip policies by baking it into menu prices have been met with a

OR, these places can start properly paying their employees... just a thought.

Or should I start requiring tips at my job as well? I work in the “service” industry as well.... should I start demanding tips for each time I reset some dumbasses password? or grant VPN access? and then when I don’t get a tip I can just go

Companies should pay their workers a living wage.  Tipping culture is anti-consumer. 

cant wait to come back to this article later and read the comments. 

Hold on now. A restaurant selling a $174 pasta dish can afford to pay its workers, right?
