
Man you have never owned or worked at a restaurant if you think the owners are “raking in the cash.” Restaurants have some of the worst margins and profitability of any small business, which is why they close on average in like 2 or 3 years.

The responsibility to pay employees is on the employer. The employer prices food at the level they need to pay their employees. My personal tips should not be what employees are living on.

This is a good decision and the only reason you think it isn’t is because he’s rich. He was massively mentally ill, and in his serious condition, did not appreciate the consequences of his actions His wife doesn’t want him incarcerated. He flatly is not criminally responsible for his actions in that state. If he gets

“Russian propagandists receives $500,000 from untraceable source months before major US election.”

“The invasion of Gaza itself will be laced with uncertainties. Hamas surely anticipated such an Israeli response and is well prepared to fight a long-term urban insurgency against advancing Israeli forces. It likely hopes to inflict significant casualties against a military that has not engaged in such combat in many

“Significant casualties” doesn’t mean 622, either. What a weird hill to die on.

Tonight I’m cooking up some steaks with my wife and son and will probably open a nice bottle of red wine. Probably roast some potatoes and do summer salad of zucchini and summer squash. Hardly shit.

Well, I have an electric car so that won’t really have the desired effect. But a nice nap in the car with the AC on and a podcast sounds nice, thank you.

“Significant casualties” is a hell of a lot more than 311. 

Approved so the world gets to see how pathetic this comment is. 

You’re a childish idiot if you think this is appropriate or helpful. 


Musk’s focus on white European countries is weird because the countries facing the biggest real threat of population are east Asian countries, like Korea and Japan.

A bicycle and a car sharing a road that fast is by itself a lack of infrastructure. We need protected bike lanes.

Driving drunk means you have a reckless disregard for an ultra-hazardous activity that likely will cause a death. If you drink and then drive a car, and you hit someone like this, it is attempted murder.

That’s attempted murder, period. Like the old adage says, if you want to murder someone, do it with your car. You’ll be out in 5 years max.

Only 311 fatalities during the entire Gaza operations: https://www.gov.il/en/pages/swords-of-iron-idf-casualties

Unlike Russia, Israel is not claiming Gaza is part of Israel. There don’t want to occupy it long term.

Mild hybrids are barely hybrids, although they certainly help in stop and go city driving.

RIP my bank account. At least they had the decency to release Metroid Prime 4 alongside the new counsel so I don’t have to buy it twice!