
When all you wear is accessories, it’s hard to keep them all clean.

Famous 26-year-old Female Singer DMs Underaged Male Child Actor To Facilitate Sexual Encounter With Another

Not usually, there’s a video at the Madonna Inn in CA that gets thrown around repeatedly even though it was about 4 years ago and was at Thanksgiving - and some other factors leading to excessive crowding/waits.

It’s wonderful that Joe Biden has personally made gas prices drop for 22 straight days. Thank you sir.

per tesla.com. Those east-west links are a pretty big deal. 

I realize that everyone is focusing on doja but shouldn’t we also be discussing the fact that the person who wrote this is not only also weirdly fantasizing about a child but also in all likelihood even older than doja?

Bingo. Reverse the genders and this article becomes all about “grooming.” Jezebel’s hypocrisy has never been in doubt but this is rather blatant even for this site.

This all damn day. Doja sent an unsolicited DM to a teen asking for help hooking up with his co-worker. Dude. This is the problem. Also, it’s 2022 and she’s still out here assuming that internet messages are private. This is the embodiment of “play stupid games, win stupid prizes.”  

Maybe, but we love to see accountability for rising movie stars who typically go on to be entitled fuckboys, and this is probably a good way for Schnapp to learn not to violate a woman’s privacy. If a little shit shared my DM slides, I’d probably be pissed too.

The Reuters source sure leaves out a lot of information and I couldn’t find a more direct source. What does a “speeding campaign” look like? What does “speeding-related” mean?

On wide freeways where everyone is going the same direction at roughly the same speed there is no safety difference between 55, 65, 75 or 85.

I would imagine one of the newer Mustangs (GT350, Mach 1, etc.) would have the Viper beat on performance, price, and daily driver functions.

Viper wins over everybody on track performance per dollar, but a Viper gets a 1 out of 10 for usability as a daily driver. You have to wear insulated socks to keep your ankles from getting burned by the heat from the side pipes, and at any given moment you can go flying into a tree.

What, exactly, are the ‘Texas police’ good for?

this is texas.  thats assault with a deadly weapon, shoot that mother fucker.  

i’m pretty sure that’s an assault with a deadly weapon. it’s the same as pointing a loaded gun at someone. i’d give the fucker 10 years

That’s attempted murder. 

I’ve worked in Germany a ton over the past 12 years (pharmaceutical manufacturing development). Germany is interesting because they have an incredibly skilled labor pool. But they aren’t particularly fast in many cases. Once the kinks are ironed out however, I’d bet that this plant eventually be a crown jewel.

1998 has it beat: