
Not really; your home will be a perfectly adequate breakwater for the inland homes. The beach restoration is specifically to use the beach as a breakwater for your home.

Also, Canada and Mexico are part of the Americas!

Doing that would mean it no longer qualified for $7,500 in federal tax rebates. Saving $3,000 in costs would mean Tesla is still leaving $4,500 on the table, and moving to China wouldn’t lower costs by $8,000.

It’s been a long time since American cars were built in the U.S. by American automakers.”

I understand it. I disagree with her use of the term “neoliberal” to apply to to things it does not relate to at all, like philosophy. It’s an economic term to describe a pretty narrow school of serious economics, not a catch-all phrase you can project whatever dislike onto.

Did you know its possible to understand

What fucking disgrace. Interviewing this man should result in a permanent ban from normal society. Might as well credulously interview Jim Jones or Pol Pot.

China is building a lot of new coal plants, but the amount of time they are actually RUNNING is decreasing. New coal plants is basically just a Communist jobs program. It’s a huge waste of money, but it doesn’t show an increase in the use of coal to generate electricity. Building a plant doesn’t shovel coal into the

You do understand comparatives, right? The existence of poverty in capitalist countries in some amount does not mean it isn’t the relative best economic system.

You are resorting to name calling because you cannot dispute the objective truth that Capitalism has created the greatest living conditions in human history. That doesn’t mean everything is perfect! But the experiment of “which economic system leads to better outcomes for people: capitalism or communism” was tried in

Totally consistent with Tesla’s M.O. of overpromise and under-deliver. Even on issues that don’t matter, like the bed length of a lifestyle truck where it doesn’t matter! A 4'11" bed it totally adequate for a truck like this; like the article says, the very useable Maverick has an ever shorter bed. The additional

You mean the paragraph that specifically calls out the allegations of abused against Bryan Singer? That one? You think that is “pretending it didn’t occur” and “sweeping it under the rug?”

Sexual abused/harassment =/ queerness though?

“Everyone who disagrees with me is Jordan Peterson.” Grow up. 

Capitalism is good, actually, yes. It has created the highest standards of living for the most people in human history. 

“Neoliberalism is when I don’t like a thing, and the less I like it, the more neoliberal it is.” That’s all this article says. It has absolutely no relation to the actual term “neoliberalism.”

Read this instead: “The current norm thus treats neoliberalism as a global poltergeist, a malicious entity of conscious design

They’re literally named after Hitler’s favorite composer, lol.

Eat shit dipshit. There are Nazis in Russia, too. Like the “Wagner” group. 

Biden did not let it continue. “The Biden White House issued an edict in spring 2021 banning the anti-vax effort, which also disparaged vaccines produced by other rivals, and the Pentagon initiated an internal review, Reuters found.”

The Trump administration was evil. This was ended immediately when Biden was elected. Elections matter! Don’t take the Black pill and let it get worse.

Important to note that this program was started under Trump and was ended immediately in the Spring of 2021 when Biden took office.