
I believe you are confusing “Neoliberalism,” which is an academic school of economic thought, with “objectivism,” an actual philosophy.

Agreed. There is a rush to make the Jedi the bad guys because they aren’t somehow all-powerful and haven’t solved every problem in the Galaxy yet. It’s some weird transference of (I hate to say this) Marxist theory where every oppressed group is somehow noble and universal objective truth doesn’t exist, only a

What is “neoliberal” about this? When did we start using the word “neoliberal” to describe “thing I don’t like.”


Miles per gallon? “Maybe.”

Fetterman is not a conservative. He’s just pro-Israel, and has been since well before his election. 

Bradley is the least series person here. 

Fetterman was always strongly pro-Israel, like his constituents. I’m not sure why suddenly people expect him to be a Hamas supporter or something. 

Very few, but an Acadia is honestly just as much off-roader as most people need. I can see a former Subaru buying grabbing one of these once that third kid drops. Perfect for towing toys and going camping, and not a huge gas/ride quality penalty going to soccer practice like a Bronco would be. 

Possession is a deeply weird movie. Any major studio, even including A24, that remakes it will just remake a commercial movie with some themes/shots/plot points from Possession grafted on. Otherwise, uhhh, it will make zero money.

Even in the petroleum industry, collusion is really, really hard. OPEC+ is an open cartel, and even they have a hard time setting prices to maximize profit and getting all their members on board. It is much, much harder to pull off in any meaningful way in the US where the FTC actually investigates and punishes price

If corporations can raise prices and consumers will pay that price, they will raise prices. They don’t need an “excuse.” Trust me, corporations are not “holding back” price increases, and never have. No “smoke screen” required.

It is more complicated than that. The same people decrying corporations will be the same ones who lose their minds when gas goes up 10 cents a gallon because refineries needed to install pollution control equipment.

Corporations have inertia. They are fictional creations that do one thing; try to make the most money possible. There really isn’t one person who could just say “actually, lets make less money by voluntarily reducing emissions.”

Sure, there are plenty others. Why didn’t you vote for them in the primaries?

Anyone who votes for Donald Trump should never, every be listened to or taken seriously again. 

Long-term storage and handling of waste from nuclear reactors is a political, not an engineering, problem. You just . . . put it in the cave. That’s it. Bob’s your uncle. Problem is nobody wants to be near it because of brain-dead anti-scient lies told by aging Hippie boomers about “nuke plants.” 

OK great. But can the people who want to live in cities make their cities livable for them? Or do they need your permission first?

> Get in the car to go to the gym

Avoiding the free-riding effect is more important. Either public funds should be spent for a public benefit, or private funds can be spent for a private benefit. The homeowners can easily put a local bond on the ballot and ask the taxpayers if they want to pay for their rich neighbor’s beach . . . that they can’t