
Diesel mileage is a bit of misnomer; diesel is more energy dense than gasoline, so it’s really just a reflection of that more than much higher efficiency. For sure, higher compression is more efficient, but their CO2 emissions per mile aren’t much better than gas, and the expensive emissions equipment for non-GHG

I have friends who are both public defenders, and even they were so spooked by the general lawlessness that they moved away to Alameda. Oakland is straight up not having a good time right now.

The Hybrid has been a $1,500 option on the Maverick since 2023, folks. It isn’t standard anymore. 

...because they live in a responsible place with functioning public transit? Sounds like sour grapes to me. 

This is actually really, really good advice. A combination of zip cars, car rentals, public transit, uber, and bicycles can replace car ownership. It’s a lot more flexible and a lot cheaper.

Interest is high these days. 

I have to assume the customer just took the sales guy for a ride and will pay off the loan early, because otherwise I have to go through my day knowing people this dumb are out on the roads, too. 

“Using more energy when you drive uses more energy, more at 11!”

Eat shit and die you waste of life. 

Tariffs are just taxes. You don’t think a 100% tax on the consumer would raise prices?

It’s definitely worth looking into. Occam’s razor says it was a suicide, but you want to run this to ground. If Boeing is assassinating whistleblowers, that’s something the public needs to know about. 

Yeah spite the cool, youthful styling, the Ioniq 5 is a family car. And a good one at that!

There is nothing “green” about a vehicle whose existence depends on the perpetual extraction of fossil fuels. EVs get greener as energy generation gets greender; a Prius will always pollute.

I really, really liked the Focus when it came out, and I was about 13-14 at the time, so I was clearly square in the cringe-demographic.

Unless you’re street parking, we mandate charger in apartment complexes. Also, if you live in a dense area, you don’t drive that much per day. Throwing your car on even a Level 2 charger for a few hours while you go shopping or see a movie is enough to top it off. 

It is always hilarious to me when a company’s employment doubles in a few years, and then they trim that workforce by like 2% and everyone is like WOW TESLA IS FAILING AND FIRING EVERYONE.

This is definitely in the “Worst Jalopnik Headlines” hall of fame.

The new automated side-loading garbage trucks will eliminate up to 68,000 parking spots” Hell yeah! That’s 68,000 fewer cars in the City. 

No, it too early for phone banking and canvassing. 

They are opinion-based political advocates, so yes, I’d expect their work to make their preferred outcome more likely.