lorem ipson

You should pull the trigger. Most things that you, especially at first is a copy of what someone else did. Really all you change is your wifi name and password. I have the model B and the 2. I haven’t got the zero or 3 because I just like to tinker rather than have them for specific projects. They’ve made it super

The Sensi thermostat is great. I’ve had mine for a little over a month now. It was very easy to install with dead simple instructions. It doesn’t “learn” but we keep our house cool in the winter and warm in the summer, so I don’t need it changing on me five times a day, although it can on a set schedule. Logging in

The Sensi thermostat is great. I’ve had mine for a little over a month now. It was very easy to install with dead

My two year old just stares at me funny when I talk to Alexa. One day though she’ll learn what’s up and I will lose everything.

My two year old just stares at me funny when I talk to Alexa. One day though she’ll learn what’s up and I will lose

In my house it’s not just the quantity of things she uses, but which things she uses. The largest bowls and cutting boards and she refuses to use regular cups. Everything is in a water bottle or travel mug, even around the house. Also, she has a habit of using the things that can’t be put in the dishwasher.

My struggle is that I’m in higher ed where faculty, even senior faculty who hold executive positions dress down, development officers overdress, and most of the staff like me try to strike a balance between the two. I’d look out of place with a tie, but not necessarily in the next job of my career. Then we have

I’m usually anti kitchen appliance, but ours has lasted us many many years and the plates that they use in this hold up to a lot of abuse!

I’m usually anti kitchen appliance, but ours has lasted us many many years and the plates that they use in this hold

Agreed, and on a similar yet related note, it’s never rude to negotiate or at least ask for a realistic timeline. I get requests from senior/exec people and a greener employee might drop what they are doing to work on the executive’s project right away. Instead, I evaluate how long it will take. If it takes less than

I would tell my younger self to slow down and pace myself. In middle school I spent a lot of time breaking rules, hanging out with older kids, and way too much time on girls.

Just today my Tablo 4 arrived in the mail. Now I see this. I think I’ll stick with the Tablo as it provides the whole home DVR function and ability to play on any internet enabled device on your network. I was also able to put the Tablo directly next to the hidden antenna and keep the run short with an amplifier.

Just today my Tablo 4 arrived in the mail. Now I see this. I think I’ll stick with the Tablo as it provides the

I normally stay out of Jez comments as I’m the wrong demographic, but you hit the nail on the head. Any person who remembers seeing the original art or who just re-watched it would see that Fiona wasn’t acting. She was able to channel something real, or fooled us into thinking she was. This video falls somewhere

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. With modern technology we should just build permanent structures that are the best in the world for each sport, all around the world. When the olympics happen then they are truly a worldwide event. LA get’s beach volleyball, skiing in the Alps, speed skating in the

I was looking somewhere else, I now have a project to start I guess.

At first I was excited because I have a true story that I think could be amazing, but I’m no author and this doesn’t have ghost writers. For me it would be just the one book and one story. I really don’t have time to be a professional at it or try to make any money at it.

It certainly covered a lot of ground!

Now playing

Obligatory, and my favorite scene from one of my favorite shows. God I love CJ.....

Wonderful, I kept losing my fitbit one and upgraded to a charge HR. We recently packed the house to move and found the one about two months after losing it. Now I have somewhere I can send it!

Exactly. My 6S asked me if I wanted to unlock my phone when on my home’s wifi. My home is the least secure place my phone can be. When I’m out it’s in my pocket or in my hand. At home it’s constantly under attack.

I’ll add not listening to your contractor or forcing them to cut corners because you’re tight. Don’t redo one room’s floor if it’s not going to look good transitioning to the next room, just redo everything, or at least plan it in stages so by the last stage it all looks good. Someone I know just dropped a lot on

I stream when I want to casually listen, but that’s basically just replacing free radio with free pandora. Music for the time passing experience like in the car has always been free, so why pay?

I learned this in grade school during study hall. “I’m getting my stuff done, don’t bother me with your teenage drama. I’m not doing homework at home, thank you very much. If you want to trade answers I’m down, but other than that, stop talking to me.”