lorem ipson

I’ve had an appletv 2 (720p) for many years, basically since it came out, and for the last year and a half I’ve had a roku 3, so not the latest model, but 1080p. It’s noticeable, on everything. The only reason why I don’t exclusively use the roku is I already have my media hooked up to itunes streaming through the

If you haven’t found it yet, Make MKV is free, you just have to keep googling the beta key. I use this, then handbrake.

You’re right, but this is an old convo and you replied to Whitson. I’m going to make sure Antknee sees it.

Our instructions are just to “sign in” to 365 and go for it. It’s always worked on PCs, I was just disappointed when I tried it on a mac recently. Obviously I’ll upgrade.

I literally just installed office on my mac earlier this week. I was so disappointed to get 2011 through my work’s 365 account. Looks like I was just a week too early. Thanks for looking out Thorin!

Thanks for sharing. I’m going to have to look harder at myself after reading your post. Maybe I let people repeat themselves too much; I could definitely see that being partially my fault.

In a perfect world, no it doesn’t count. When people’s feelings are involved, regrettably it does... I have yet to work a lot with editors, so I’ve never had that bliss.

This something I’ve been working on for a long time, and with little result. My problem is a matter of comfort level with my conversation partner. I am always annoyed when people repeat themselves, which is often in small talk. My knee jerk reaction is to get them moving onto either more detail, a reason, analysis, or

I work at a private university and they don’t distinguish between maternity and paternity. To them it’s all just FMLA, which is up to 12 weeks. It’s paid if you’ve accrued enough STD. I got a full 60 days off of work plus I kept all of my 20 days of vacation, 8 paid holidays and we get a gift of time, Christmas Eve

It was weird, it wasn’t an all out audit, but it was also just on my state taxes. In about January of 2014 they sent me a bill saying that upon reviewing my 2012 taxes that were prepared in 2013 they found that since I claimed one thing, I couldn’t claim another and I owed them like $20. I looked back, and they were

Yes, anytime your pay is ahead of the COLA adjustment you’re a winner. It’s good if you can get it.

Once again you provide the thoughtful answer. The more basic answer was covered by Chris Rock a long time ago in his OJ routine. “Should’ve had a prenup, everybody needs a prenup, prenuptial agreement. People think you gotta be rich to have a prenup, OH NO. You make 50 million dollars, your wife wants half, big deal,

Well yeah, any video capture service could be used........ but not like when you’re talking about hitting record on a TV guide menu.

You can turn a PC into a DVR, but you need tuners, and based on your setup, you can only tune what’s broadcasting, not streaming. WMC MythTV NextPVR are all avenues of recording shows, but you need a feed. Sling TV is just a streaming service, that’s like asking to record Netflix, not gonna happen.

4thdeskonright is correct. If you stop to think about it, most of our indulgences aren't really rewards or "special", it's just us (all of us, because you're not alone) telling ourselves we deserve something, or it's okay because of "blah blah blah". If you're going to not care about the calories then you should care

Not advice! There are a lot of good things on here but I didn’t see this.

We got married early on, so most of our friends were not married. We decided early on, that there would be no +1's for people who would know plenty of other people there. If you were dating someone and we knew about it, we made sure to invite both people separately. Our single friends on the other hand, had to be

Tyler Durden?

All of this is good, but I feel like first and foremost you should rule out the external. People often identify themselves through what they do. In small talk we refer to people by their names and what they do at their jobs. It becomes apart of our identity. When however we are unsatisfied it can manifest in our other

Sure, if you’re familiar enough with the alphabet. But that’s a lot of work to do on vacation!